Today I Learned about Chankonabe a.k.a. the Sumo Stew.
Chanko Nabe
- Chanko: Sumo Wrestler Food
- Nabe: Pot
The bulk of Chanko Nabe is made up of large quantities of protein sources. Pork, meat balls, fish, chicken, tofu. They seem to throw everything in there.
Sumo wrestlers eat it in massive quantities. Of course they add in lots of rice to bring up calories.
Looks like a perfect lazy athlete’s crockpot meal if you ask me.
See the second video below for more detailed instructions.
Know of any other dishes that are popular with strength athletes around the world? Share them in the comments.
PS: Here is a sumo fight from the Byamba. He also did a reddit AMA a while ago.
Also check out Glenn Pendlay’s Weightlifter Crock Pot Stew.
Update: Here is a YouTuber showing his way of making it.
Ingredients for serving 3 ~ 4:
- 1/4 or 500g Hakusai(Chinese cabbage) 1/4個白菜
- 300g Tofu (豆腐300g)
- 2 Abura age (油揚げ2枚)
- 50g Shungiku (春菊50g)
- 50g Negi green onion (ねぎ50g)
- Carot (人参)
- 3 Shiitake (しいたけ3枚)
- 100g Enokidake (えのきだけ100g)
- 60g Shimeji (しめじ60g)
- 1000ml Japanese Dashi or Chicken stock (出汁1000cc)
- 2tbsp Miso (大2 味噌)
- Soy sauce to your taste (醤油はお好みで)
For Chicken ball:
- 200g Ground Chicken (鶏ひき肉200g)
- 1tsp soy sauce (小1 しょうゆ)
- 1tsp sake (小1 酒)
- Grated garlic and ginger (おろしにんにく、しょうがは適量)
Update: Here is a documentary about the Japanese Nabe Cuisine. They show how they make Chanko in one of those Sumo Wrestling Schools.
This is the answer to all my problems. Watch out Chingiz; I’ll be leaning on things in no time!
After seeing that SG PP at 220×3, I may need to rethink my goals. Gulp.
Is it wrong that I had a laughing fit after seeing that picture?
Gregor, did you see this? Munchies normally covers a ton of different topics, but they are starting a miniseries for athletes!
MUNCHIES introduces FUEL, a new series dedicated to the high performance diets of athletes. We follow Byamba, current world sumo champion, through his average day of consuming 10,000 calories. In and out of the dojo, Byamba shows us how to shop, cook, and eat chankonabe- a Japanese stew eaten by sumo wrestlers to pack on the pounds. Itadakimasu!
Yes I saw it, after all that’s the first video I embedded in the post.
Jamie Lewis over at Chaos and Pain did a really good series on stews around the world (all high calorie and high protein affairs). Obviously NSFW, so I won’t link… but definitely gonna go stew crazy once the weather gets cold for a winter bulk up.