Meanwhile in China …
How about some closed kinetic chain exercises for weightlifters?
We have seen Lu Xiaojun doing Handstand Push Ups.
However I have not seen the weighted version with 40kg strapped to their backs.
Yuan Chengfei and Zhang Jie doing some HSPUs in the Asian Championships training hall.
Thanks to Phil for submitting.
Wow. That is all.
Yeah I’m sure they’ll come right to you for advice when they’re not busy winning Olympic medals. What have you done by the way?
I dont think these guys in the video have got to the olympics (so far :). All in all – interesting stuff.
You don’t think Lu Xiaojun has gotten to the olympics?
That isn’t Lu Xiaojun, if you look closely.
That’s not him.
I am a former gymnast: This is crazy strong, even for gymnasts. Of course, form is NOT picture perfect, but IT DOESNT MATTER since they’re lifters. This will help their overhead strength and balance tremendously. 2 Thumbs up!
So, not questioning the difficulty or benefit of weighted handstand pushups, but why is this even necessary as a movement? I don’t see how it’s any different or better than doing presses? The plane of motion is nearly identical to a standing press. Just a question that came to mind while watching it.
That is where I wanted the discussion to go.
Try doing a bodyweight press, and then a Handstand Push Up.
The Handstand Push up will feel easier than the pres.
That is where the whole closed chain vs open chain exercises debate begins.
This is where things get confusing for me. Is the HSPU a closed or open chain movement? The hands are fixed therefore it is closed. However, if the feet are free to move about in space thus moving the hands due to de-stabilization, does that not make it open? Also, what do you mean by “how about some closed kinetic chain exercises for weightlifters”. Aren’t squats and deadlifts close chained? I am still puzzled as to whether the oly lifts are open or closed. Seems like they are both. Can anyone clarify or share an opinion?
I prefer exercises where bodyweight is at least part of the load because for most sports strength-to-weight ratio is the most important thing. You can easily jack up your overhead presses by gaining weight. You can’t do that with handstands, so it focuses your goal and doesn’t let you lie to yourself about your progress.
Klokov does them. Nuff nuff Hilary Duff
I think it is about motor control. CKC is more “primal” and I speculate that they are deeper embedded in our motor control department of the brain.