Meanwhile in Ireland…
Clarence Kennedy (94kg, Ireland) posted a new Pause Squat video, this time 260kg for 5 sets of 5. In the comment section he mentions that he plans to lift as in the 94kg category and is training at around 103kg bodyweight.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile in Ireland…
Clarence Kennedy (94kg, Ireland) posted a new Pause Squat video, this time 260kg for 5 sets of 5. In the comment section he mentions that he plans to lift as in the 94kg category and is training at around 103kg bodyweight.
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
Leon says
Very impressive squatting, but I am wondering. He doesn’t look chubby, how does he want to lose 10 kg? And right before the competition or progressively over time.
ahovww says
He’s definitely still a 94?
Leviathar says
He will compete at 94 but he trains at 103 kg
sigh says
life is nothing more than waiting for the next Clarence video
GHM says
You are right. I think Gregor wants to have some videos from Western European lifters and this guy is active posting his training sessions. He has best of 150 + 190 in competition.
My suggestion:
Ask younger German or Spanish lifters to post their training sessions.
How about Webster Sonny Curtis from England? Does he have potential?
Gregor says
I don’t care where someone is from. All that matters to me is if I like a video or not. Region, gender, looks etc, not a deciding factor.