Today in All Things Klokov …
250kg Deadlift, and Dmitry takes 190kg for a walk.
Last time we saw him with that weight it was a normal 190kg Snatch.
This time it is 190kg from a deficit.
Vadim, from the ATG Chat, who btw translated all the recent Klokov videos for y’all on youtube, mentioned that:
That’s why presses are so important. Stability is his most impressive trait.
Look at how his shoulders take that movement. You can see his fatigue in his face, but he still stabilises it. I mean most of that is now intuitive, because let’s face it – he should have missed it in front, and technically he did.
Update: Another Run with 190kg. This one is from a seminar at CrossFit Geelong in Australia.
Got it! Got it! Ok now back… back… ok here, like this
The only time I’ve seen Klokov miss behind is his 214kg attempt from blocks.
It’s ok to do it [presses] as a profilactic and preventive measure, both for the shoulders themselves and for the snatch. But one may think than it would be better to use more time correcting the faults of the technique that makes him walk a significant ammount of his snatches, than pressing and pressing tons of kilos to endure those undesired walks. But. again, it’s just my opinion.
Any thoughts about this?
p.s. Before any funny smart guy says so, I’m not saying that he should not press, nor that he is a bad lifter. I really admire, respect and cheer for Klokov.
I wonder how you come to any conclusion about his training? What we see are small samples, which are probably chosen to be interesting for the viewer. And in that regard he definately succeeds. Thus, we do not know what he does and what he works on. Whether he focusses on certain techniqual issues or not.
And what his coach finds important. Hence, I believe your conclusion is simply false (pressing to make up for techniqual issues)
And in general. In the class up to 105 kg he is one of the best in the snatch. So he must do something right.
I think the point of the “presses-for-stability” bit is that, had he not been as fantastically strong overhead as he was, the lift wouldn’t have happened at all.
That doesn’t change the fact that we have very little to no information about his daily training nor his exact weaknesses. What we saw was a world class lift in addition with a deficit and it’s not even close to the world’s. Sure, techniqually not perfect, but still very impressive.
Anyway I find it weird and amusing when someone judges his training based on small youtube samples.
He admitted he was still feeling the effects of his step endurance workout. Plus he sat on a train for quite some time traveling to his present location. More rest/recovery following such stair exercises is needed…even for Klokov.
And more evidence of fatigue as he admits today that he has been training too hard without adequate rest and will now tale 2-3 days off. A lesson to all to not overtrain under any circumstances. Injury is not worth the risk.