Erik Blekeberg, who attended one of the Russian Weightlifting Seminars, made a quick video recapping their Joint Warm-up Routine.
Nothing fancy. Basic stuff I hope all of you are already doing in some form or another. But maybe you can pick up something new here.
Circles in all directions: Neck, Wrists, Elbows, Shoulders, Back, Hips /Hamstring, Knees, Ankles, Kozack stretch.
More Warm-ups:
Very similar, almost identical to Coach Jianping Ma’s warmup in his Iowa seminars.
Right, thanks for reminding me. Added a link to his video.
Pretty much like super joints. Nice to see.
Is it really ? No surprise there.I saw the Soviet basketball
and the Soviet volleyball teams live in San Diego and
Los Angeles in the late 80’s. The basketball team in both
cities minus Sabonis at both unfortunately. This is the team
that beat the John Thompson lead US squad in Seoul.