(Originally published on May 11, 2012)
Kevin Cornell of California Strength does a Sots Press with 110kg. Yikes!
Great display of flexibility and strength.
In a comment Glenn Pendlay said:
Just recently he push pressed 150kg for a set of 5.
His best strict press is 120kg.
Update: 120kg
Going all Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson on us!!!!!!
Klokov needs to see this and respond.
Louie Simmons said David Rigert could do like 180kg in the sots press. I can’t remember the exact weight but it was freaking crazy. I think he mentions it on a barbell shrugged interview.
I would like to see 220kg clean and jerk from American WLifter, it is easy to do cirsus excercise, but to cnj big time need lot more work to do.
I thought Sots presses were done behind the neck. Impressive nonetheless!