This was the 2013 World Weightlifting Championships Resource page.
Thanks to everybody who joined chat. It was great fun as always.
Event Hashtag: #2013wwc.
World Records
- Lu Xiaojun’s 176kg Snatch World Record
- Tatiana Kashirina’s 190kg Clean & Jerk World Record
- Liao Hui’s 198kg Clean & Jerk World Record
Good quality recordings in Russian are here.
Worlds News Updates
Update 30.10.2013:
- Artem Okulov, Ramazan Rasulov and Alexey Lovchev start their military service (but will keep lifting). (via)
Update 28.10.2013:
- Ruslan Albegov complained about food standards in the Chekhov training camp before worlds. (via)
- Ruslan Nurudinov wanted to break the Clean & Jerk Worlds Record (via)
- David Rigert is not impressed with the result, especially David Bedzhanyan’s. He also thinks that Okulov’s elbows are at risk. (via)
Update 27.10.2013:
- Apti Aukhadov plans to finally move up to the 94kg category. Venkov said this was the last competition we have seen Apti in the 85kg. The transition will take “up to six months or a year, maybe more”. This also means that Apti will not be starting in the 2014 European Championships. (via)
- Alexandr Ivanov is not happy with his result, says he planned to go for a Snatch World Record. On his last day in training camp he injured his foot. (via)
- Tatiana Kashirina was “shocked” by her result. Though disappointed with her snatch result (she did 155kg in training) she is happy she got the 190kg. “I would not say that this is the best moment of his career.” (via)
- Alexey Lovchev actually injured his elbows 3 weeks ago when he did his 250kg Clean & Jerk in training. This was what flared up again today and prevented him from going heavier. (via)
Update 26.10.2013: Andrei Aramnau decided that he will not start at worlds. (via)
- As reasons he cited that a MRI scan revealed and injury on his hip which is a result of the injury he suffered leading up to the London 2012 games. He could start on painkillers, but because there are no points to earn for Olympic qualification, he decided to skip that competition.
Update 25.10.2013: Quick Aramnau Interview from the 21st October.
- Says he injured the head of his quadriceps. Will start nonetheless. Did 205+245 in training.
Update 22.10.2013:
- IWF announced Stricter Sanctions for Countries Caught Doping
- Tunisia and Georgia withdrew from the competition due to positive doping cases.
Update 21.10.2013:
- Andrey Demanov will not lift at worlds. Coaches said he is not ready… 185kg + 225kg in training does not cut it. (via)
- Ultra sound examination revealed that Marcin Dolega has a torn abdominal muscle, but he still wants to lift at worlds (via).
Update 16.10.2013:
- Russian Weightlifting Federation held a press conference. Final Russian team composition (who will be reserve etc) will be announced October 18th.
- Chingiz Mogushkov is out due to injury. Nothing Major, but better be safe than sorry. He will prepare wor President’s Cup.
Update 15.10.2013: Klokov on why he is not on the team.
- Tl;dr: He could not find the time to prepare and was not focused on training. He is not interested in worlds. Still was as strong as the other guys on the team, but told the head coach 2 weeks ago that he is not interested. He will also not take part in the president’s cup either. Instead he wants to start preparing for Rio in the end of 2014. In the meantime he wants to be engaged in other activities for the “benefit of barbell” (I guess that means seminars and other media appearances).
Update 15.10.2013:
- Marcin Dolega might have injured himself, couldn’t train properly for the past days.
Update 13.10.2013:
James Tatum is on the world team? That’s news. Thanks for posting
I was just thinking the same thing. I’m friends with him on FB, so maybe he’ll pipe up and say something. If Tom doesn’t.
The RES probably stands for reserve or something.
Ah. Yes I was thinking he was an alternate and you just confirmed that.
As of today, he’s going. Shane Maier had an injury.
I see some familiar Bulgarian names I haven’t seen for awhile. Demir Demirev is a former world champ.
Aramnau is back 🙂
I hope Aramnau can make an awesome comeback!
Looks like Rybakou will probably be there too. That’s kind of interesting; I figured we might have seen the last of him after what happened in London. It would be nice if he could go out with a bang instead of a whimper.
Their names have been on a number of competitions. I will only believe they’re actually in it when I see them take a first attempt.
Also re somebody asking where the Chinese lifters are: There are NO Chinese lifters on the list as of Aug 20th but that’s probably just because it’s VERY PRELIMINARY.
No Apti on it at the moment either.
Unusally many american female lifters on this list. No qt3.14 Julia Rhode though ;_;
She stopped doing weightlifting. Married Tom Schwarzbach and now she wants to work in a beauty saloon
which is wrong (stopped weightlifitng). only no GER females at this year’s WC.
Julia compete last saturday in Bundesliga and c&j 100kg 😉 so she is not stop training.
so anybody going? I intend to. Any polish readers here that can help recommend a good not so expensive accomodation?
Why isn’t Sarah Robles on there?!?!?!
Lukanin is on the list? Does he still competes? Anyone else think adrian zielinski put on a very high total?
Lukanin won the 77kg Russuan Championships
No chinese lifter till now. Hope to see some names like lu or liao on those list in the near future.
It’s not 15euros. The prices are in Zloty so it’s even less. 1 zl is cca 23 cents (0.23 euro).
Some sessions are 60 Zloty (25.10 for example) which is 14 euros currently
60 Zloty, thats a multipleday pass. You can either buy a single ticket for each day or spare some money and purchase a pass (valid for more days). There are two passes (20-24.10. and 25-27.10.) as you can see here (Karnety in polish):
I bought them both guaranteing me to see the whole WCH (every category and group) if I want to, cant imagine to be there from 10 AM till evening every day though 🙁
and cost me around 30 EUR, which is just unbelievable if you ask me
That is indeed an awesome deal.
Hi Ivan, did you have any problems with the ticket processing system when buying?
I paid for three different days and Kupbilet have only released tickets for 1 day. I got an email saying the other two had been declined. But my banks says they transaction was complete and they’ve been paid for. Hmmm. They’re not expensive but I don’t want to pay twice for them either!
hm, I didnt have any problem of this kind (the only one I had the bank transfer took over 3 days so I had to prolong the reservation by 24 more hrs, luckily there is that option, and it was just enough). I dont quite get it though, if you made a reservation then there is an info on your account that says until when the reservation is valid and payment has to be made. After you add a ticket to your cart its reserved for 12 hrs so its not available for anyone else. After you process thru all the steps and they send you an email with all the info you need to pay for the ticket, then you have another few days (48 hrs?) to actually deliver money to their account for the ticket. I made the transfer immediatelly, but it was weekend in between and when seeing my deadline approaching I used the option to add 24 more hrs, and right the next day they emailed me they received my payment.
Now, if all 3 tickets were available at the time you reserved them, and obviously the payment was for all of them at once, I dont quite understand how 1 is available and 2 arent. If they were available at the time you booked them, then they should be off the market unless you didnt pay for them in time. I d definitely contact them with this concern.
I hope things work out and I d love to meet you there, I ll be there the whole week with a friend coming over from Japan, so I guess a couple not that hard to spot. Which days are you going?
Thanks for your help Ivan (are you wolfheart on atg chat?), finally got it sorted and got all my tickets. The ticketing website was set up strangely, at least the English version was, which was in a peculiar dialect of Polglish! 😉
Not entirely convinced I haven’t been charged 2x for a couple of them, waiting to see. We’re going to see the sessions on the 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th, looking forward to it.
eazyi on the chat, from slovakia, yeah, I understand a bit polish so it was easier for me, english version was quite a puzzle, haha. From 20-24th I have seats in the very first row of the D section (seats 7 and 8), with a japanese friend I guess I wont be hard to spot, just stop by when you re there during comp break or after).
Also if anybody else browsing the site is going it would be cool to meet up there.
Chinese mens team looking weaker than usual, but the womens team is looking awfully strong.
Looks like we might get something resembling the 105 battle we hoped for in London.
Klokov isn’t lifting… He’s just focusing on gold at Rio
……i needed alittle humor in an otherwise long day.
So did you read the update about Klokov?
WTF? No Ilin or Ivanov(UKR) in the 94 class? And no Salimi in the 105+ class?
No ilya until 2014.
No Behdad because of this:
I think this Chinese team actually is stronger than we’ve seen since 2010. Getting Liao Hui back is an improvement over anybody else, obviously. I prefer Long over Wu at 56kg, but that’s just preference. Chen Lijun is new and young, and we’ll have to see how he does in his first international meet, but he beat everyone at the National Games. Tian Tao is better than Lu Yong at this point of their careers. And I think the Chinese super has a shot at a bronze medal perhaps, with only one Iranian going.
Tian Tao has various injuries with his back, knee, and elbow that have prevented him from undergoing systematic training for the past two months. What I don’t understand is why they didn’t send Yang Zhe in the 105 kg instead of Li Bing in the 94 kg. Yang Zhe totaled higher than the 2012 Olympics 105kg gold medalist in the 2013 National Games preliminaries.
Also, what about Lu Haojie? I assume he injured himself after all (bombing at the national games)
He re-aggravated his elbow injury suffered at the Olympics during training, and also had a bad knee – was on painkillers.
Damn, but thanks for the update.
I didn’t know Tian Tao was that beat up. I think it’s always very interesting when new Chinese lifters like Tian and Chen Lijun compete at Worlds for the first time…never know what to expect.
I don’t expect Tian to get a total medal this year with his injuries and strong competitors, but he is definitely in contention for a medal in the C&J. Hopefully he recovers quickly.
Chen Lijun is a gold threat along with Kim and Figueroa.
I think the 62kg class will be the one to watch at this championship. We have Kim, the Olympic champion. We have V. Hristov moving up as the European champion. Figueroa is always very strong but needs to make his lifts. And Chen is a darkhorse. Any one of these guys could win.
And, as I said before, watch out for Francisco Mosquera (COL); even if he doesn’t gets a medal, you’ll probably become amazed by his explosiveness.
I thought that really low entry total on the list might have been one of those ‘dominate the B group and put pressure on the A group’ things, but I guess they really are being conservative due to injury. Seems like they could have sent one of the other 85s that beat him at the national games, as he only got third, and he’s injured.
The National Games winner, Jiang Hairong is 33 years old. I think he said he plans to retire following the National Games. I guess it makes sense to send a young athlete to gather experience.
Oh wow, good for him having such a high total at that ‘old’ age. Did he ever get his chance at international competition? I couldn’t find him at any Olympics or Worlds from a quick look through results on wikipedia
He has been in 5 international competitions:
Also, that birthdate on is wrong lol
No Ilya Iin?
See the update here
Final entry list at 4.10.2013. No Aukhadov? Hope they will update it once more…
This is not the final (Russian team will be announced later today (04.10))
No apti aukhadov.
No watch.
Any news about the Russian team? It is after deadline.
Nope, not yet. Even my Russian friends are confused about what’s going on there.
As soon as it’s out it will be on ATG.
Russian Albegov in +105kg is not on the start?
Nurudinov is an Uzbek!
Oops. Fixed it.
hes apparently injured
It’ll be great to see some chinese athletes in the heavier weight classes.
So North Koreans are evidently ageless.
Aukhadov locked in, this makes the 85 a must watch!!! Too bad Rostami is missing.
and a healthy Lu Yong…:(
Yeah, he too. I am just super stoked my man Rybakou is in! I am so happy seeing him lift strong again.
Pretty stoked to see Bahador on this list and posting a 430 entry no less. Kid is so fun to watch!
Did the pull Klokov. Is it the end of his career now. I doubt he will go on to the next olympic games.
Klokov is a competitor, much more so than Bedzhanyan and Demanov. I have doubts at either one placing. If only we knew more about the whole political process. Spoken like a true Klokov fanatic.
I think Demanov is also a very good competitor..
Just give him a year to get really in the new category and he will prove his ability. Which by the way he doesn’t have to. He’s already done that.
Very excited for Vladimir Sedov to return. 400 seems conservative
What happened to him? Looked very promising in Beijing…
Some say he got injured but it seems Kazakhstan can’t afford two 94 kgs lifter at the same time. When Ilya rests Sedov steps out from the shadow.
What’s the deal with Lapikov, his ban would be up by now, no?
Snatching 210×2 would give any heavyweight a run for his money wouldn’t he.
That’s a good question. They might be holding him for the President’s cup to see how he performs there at 105+ before tossing him in to crush Euro’s next year, then maybe world’s, but we’ll have to wait and see. I was definitely hoping for some more Lapikov after those insane snatches
the 210×2 video was a few months old..
MARK MY WORDS: Look closely at FRANCISCO MOSQUERA (62kg, COL). Someday soon, he’ll be a world and olympic champion.
Words = Marked
where will i be able to watch the events live (stream/broadcast) and replay?
Eurosport streams and possibly a stream by the IWF itself.
just noticed…no zufiya chinshanlo in the womens 53 and no maneza in the 63 O_O
Maneza had a child this year.
Ahh thanks, is she retired then? Do you know about Chinshanlo?
No Indonesians too (no Iravan Eko Yuli, no Triyatno…) 🙁
A different take on Klokov’s version of things:
He was trying hard to get into the World’s team, and couldn’t make it because:
– Russia has better 105’s than him (yes, I know about the 190 snatch test; I still say it). Stronger. Younger. Several.
– He was too busy crossfitting his way into those tempting $$$, couldn’t train for the Worlds.
– He was blinded by his youtube stardom and couldn’t see properly when stepping onto the platform. That messes up your C&J, every weightlifter knows that.
The real reason is probably a mix of the three above and several more.
Now, if he thinks he can go around crossfitting/dancing with the stars/splash diving/youtubing instead of training and that when he wants to be back the Russian coaches and team are just going to spread their legs open for him…He’s wrong.
And if he thinks that when he’s back he’s gonna be able to beat the several highly-talented, younger, hungry 105’s who will have been training hard all this time while he is busy doing WODs…He’s also wrong.
But he can’t say he’s retiring now. Those seminar fees would plummet faster than Chinese elite WL doing hang cleans.
I may be wrong. And I’d gladly eat my words, as I support old-school comebacks. But from where I stand, he is drifting away from WL and won’t be back. Even if he is, his competition is stronger than him. He won’t make it to Rio.
Probably right. I know there are older lifters still there over 30,but not in Russia. London was his and Akkaev’s last chance and they couldn’t take it. (i’m still not sure of the reason why) In 2016 they will be both old to make the team.
“Those seminar fees would plummet faster than Chinese elite WL doing hang cleans.” LOL
But deep down every Klokov fan knows this is the ugly truth, we are just hoping for a miracle. Hope, is the only thing that matters afterall.
The final startlist is out at the IWF website. Nurudinov and Tian Tao’s totals were fixed, so they will enter group A on their respective categories.
any word on links to streams? i checked eurosport website and it doesnt seem to be live, atleast for the first weight class
sad but true, the other lifter that did not get to start for Russia was DEMANOV Andrey in 105kg. Only David is going to lift from Russia in 105kg. Russia is going with two lifters in 85kg-94kg-105+kg and one lifter in 69 and 105kg. – 48kg live here with a lot of ads in between
Unfortunately you can’t currently watch this 56kg category session on the eurosport player despite it being on the TV Schedule. I hope the others will be available since I just paid.
My schedule says that the 56kg A session will be shown live at 20:00.
As I wrote in the post, B sessions are not on eurosport, but on the live stream from the IWF.
I can live with that – just annoying that’s it there on the TV schedule but you’re unable to see it. Sorry, wasn’t having a pop at you Greg’, was mainly me just rushing into getting the player without reading your post thoroughly enough! Thanks for all the schedule/stream updates etc, they’re greatly appreciated.
during the english commentary for the women’s 53kg, they mention Kazakstan is expecting some very unwelcomed news from the iwf, any rumors?
According to the website of the Swedish Weightlifting Federation the IWF warned about severly sanctions to nations that have multiple doping cases withing 12 months. At the meeting i Wrochlaw the IWF informed that 1856 dopingcontrols has been made in 2013, that 847 of these (45%) was outside of competition and that 69 (!) tests came back positive. Nations that have more than 3 positive dopingcases within 12 monts will be fined 50 000USD which they must pay within 6 months. If the fine is not paid the contry will not be allowed to compete in international competitions for two years or until the fine is paid. The fines start at 50 000USD for three positive cases and increases with 50 000USD for each positive case up until a maximum of 500 000USD (9 cases).
Apparently there has been114 cases where the dopingcontrollers have shown up to testing where the athletes has not been at their given location. The IWF warned that nations that somehow prevent the controllers from doing their work would be expelled from international competitions as well.
They also presented a list of nations with positive dopingcases in 2013 (up until 1. October)
KAZ 13
Polska Sztanga informed today that both Tunisia and Georgia has decided to withdraw their team from the World Championship apparently related to several doping cases from each nation.
What’s also interesing is that according to the IWF-magazine (World Weightlifting) there was several positive dopingcases amongst the winners both at the European Championship in Tirana and the Asian Championship in Astana. At the Europeans the failiure of the Ukrainian Svitlana Chernievska in the +75kg category is well known, but apparently Marina Shainova from Russia has been disqualified. That makes Milka Maneva for Bulgaria the winner of the 63kg cateory. I have not found any official publications of the latter case yet. Has anyone else read about this somewhere?
At the Asian Championship the winner of the 85kg category Sorab Mouradi of Iran has been disqualified along with two Kasakh lifters; Alexandr Zaichikov (winner of the 94kg cat.) and Alexandra Aborneva (winner of the +75kg cat.). I can not find any news about these cases either. Has anyone else heard about this?
Thanks for the info
Looking at the results of the class -56 kg I noticed that I’d have placed equal to number 17 (95/115 kg). Except the minor difference of being 30 kg heavier than that guy. Seems like I have to do some heavy dieting.
24h hour weigh in and you’re good to go. if you scroll down you can find links to worlds
The commentators were amazed by Hristov’s speed. I think it’s actually not an advantage but a disadvantage. He doesn’t have a chance to correct at all. If he doesn’t get it right (+- 3 cm) he fails the attempt. The chinese guy was stretching-correcting with every snatch he tried. It wasn’t that impressive as Hristov but it’s more secure. Valerios Leonidis was a bit similar. And what a save! With third attempt and almost bombed 😀
does anyone know what the story is with Lu Haojie? is he competing at worlds?
Probably injured at National Games
shouldnt todays 20.00 be men 77 group A ?
What happened with Su Dajin? Retired? Not good enough to compete? I really liked that guy.
He lifted at Chinese Nationals this year, so I dont think he is retired.
These announcers are awful. This is the 1st Oly competition I have ever watched and I was hoping to learn a lot but it really takes away from the amazing aspect of the sport.
Which announcements do you refer?
The announcements I have listened to in the English broad as for Eurosport. For example, they seemed genuinely surprised when Lu squat jerked. Anyone who has ever seen him c&j knows he does that. I also feel they focus far too much on the time left on the clock. Just my 2 cents.
I believe that the man is David Goldstrom and the woman is Non Evans. They were the same commentators as in the 2012 Olympics. I think he has been commentating weightlifting for years now, but still shows some lapses in his commentary (I specially found surprising that in the 77s they showed Lu warming up and he confused him with the North Korean competitor). The woman, she is a Welsh sportswoman that has competed in many sports including weightlifting (came 9th on 2002 Commonwealth Games). She knows about weightlifting but, especially at the Olympic games, her commentating wasn’t the best. They used to have David Morgan (British international weightlifter) who was a great commentator and even corrected David Goldstrom when he made mistakes with his commentating, but no idea why they replaced him
Nope, the woman is Michaela Breeze
My bad, thanks for the correction
I love this page and how it’s updated, tnx Gregor.
I paid for the Eurosport player subscription, but it’s only giving me British Eurosport, so not all the sessions. I am in Canada and have that set as my country under account settings. I can’t find a way to get the regular Eurosport or Eurosport 2 feed. Any ideas?
Mmhh strange … proxy to another country and watch from there?
Why does the commentator keep calling him Audhakov….It’s clearly Aukhadov.
I hate how they keep saying “If he makes this lift he will be in the lead” even if they are talking about the first few contestants.
I missed the -85s and had to watch a replay in Russian…can someone tell me why Tian Tao did not take the clean and jerk? Injured or they realised he didn’t have a chance to medal after the snatch and decided it was not worth it?
(re?)-injured his elbow…AGAIN -__- on his last snatch attempt
Thanks! That’s such a shame as he seems to be over-proportionately good in the clean and jerk. He is still very young so hopefully we will see more of him soon. Also, as I have noticed you follow the Chinese team very closely, what has happened to Lu Haojie?
Btw, Tian Tao posted on his Weibo a while back that he *might* drop to the 77s again, depending on his injury situation. Considering his results haven’t improved at all since going to the 85s, I can’t argue with this.
Lu Haojie had a knee injury going into the chinese nationals, and bombed his opener of 165, re-aggravating his elbow injury in the process. Hope he recovers quickly, he’s the only guy who can somewhat challenge Lu Xiaojun
The women’s 75 kgs was a very good competition. I always love watch that cat. About the men’s 85 kgs: let’s move on and watch the 94’s 🙂 I mean, I was really expecting more than that!
Expecting more in 85? You are kidding, right? That was an awesome competition, the highlight for me. But you dont have to agree obviously. I thought there was something for everyone (well maybe except the Poles)
Yes I was expecting Zielinski to be much stronger and to be able to challenge Apti. That would have been exciting. Like this it was just an “easy” win for Apti. And yes, having seen the training videos I thought there will be a new world record in the total. I’m glad you enjoyed it though.
I’m with you. The poles disappointed all around after their good show at nationals. Zelinski was hardly any trouble after missing his first two jerks, I wish apti had someone pushing him to break the total & cj records
That’s what I’m talking about. Both in the women’s and men’s superheavy were a real competition. I didn’t feel that watching the 85’s.
I get what you say, from this stand point the 77 was even less of a competition, but still I think we enjoyed it. While Poles disappointed I thought it had something for everyone, because Rybakou won the snatch (so something for me and for fans of heavy grinding lifting, lol), then the young Okulov came from behind to medal in total, Markov did his best, but at the end Apti did what we expected him to do. I loved the 85.
You’re right. I think I just enjoy heavier cats more 🙂
I can’t believe Eurosport isn’t broadcasting the first 45 minutes of 105 kg.
Just watching the repeat of the -105 snatch…I cannot believe Marcin Dolega bombed out again…such a big big shame (I suppose maybe it has to do with his injury)
Thanks again for being the “internet host” of this event!
Anyone know where the total medal count is?
What happend with Tian Tao?
is there another link for the 105 a group c&J? cant find it on any channel