Those were the weightlifting sessions at the 2014 Asian Games in Incheon, Korea.
It rained world records like it’s 1980 again. I hoped you enjoyed ATG’s coverage of the event. Thanks to everybody who helped out.
Useful Links:
What was your “Lift of the Competition”?
I think I have to go with Tian Tao’s 218kg C&J.
World Records
9 World Records have been broken in this competition!
- New WORLD RECORD: 170kg Clean & Jerk by Om Yun Chol!
- Kim Tuan Thach (20, Vietnam) 134kg Snatch (Jr World Record!)
- Zulfiya Chinshanlo 132kg Clean & Jerk + Shu Ching Hsu Total World Record
- 154kg Snatch World Record by Kim Un-Guk
- 145kg Clean & Jerk World Record by Tzu Chi Lin (+ 116kg Snatch= Total WR)
- Tian Tao 218kg Clean & Jerk Junior World Record
- 164kg Clean & Jerk World Record by Unju Kim (North Korea)
- Zhou Lulu 192kg Clean & Jerk World Record
+105kg: Behdad Salimi Snatches 210kg + 255kg Clean & Jerk
+75kg: Zhou Lulu sets a New Clean & Jerk World Record with 192kg!
75kg: 164kg Clean & Jerk World Record by Unju Kim (North Korea), Yue Kang Snatches 131kg again.
94kg: Liu “200kg x13 Squat guy” Hao wins with a 221kg Clean & Jerk
Almas Uteshov wins the Snatch with 175kg
85kg: Tian Tao 218kg Clean & Jerk. Longer video here.
Kianoush Rostami’s 172kg Snatch, Sa Jae-Hyouk 171kg
77kg: 175kg Snatch + 200kg C&J by Lu Xiaojun (all lifts here)
69kg: Highlights with Yanmei Xiang vs. Unhui Ryo
63kg: 145kg Clean & Jerk World Record by Tzu Chi Lin (+ 116kg Snatch= Total WR)
69kg: Lin Qingfeng’s 158kg Snatch, Myonghyok Kim’s 160kg Snatch
62kg: 154kg Snatch World Record by Kim Un-Guk.
53kg: Zulfiya Chinshanlo 132kg Clean & Jerk + Shu Ching Hsu Total World Record
Zhang Wanqiong’s Junior Snatch World Recrod of 102kg.
56kg: Results
- New WORLD RECORD: 170kg Clean & Jerk by Om Yun Chol!
- Kim Tuan Thach (20, Vietnam) 134kg Snatch (Jr World Record!)
- Wu Jingbiao 133kg Snatch
- Highlights Video
Update: Here is a into the Asian Games Training.
Lu Xiaojun bangs out some Handstand Push Ups (not the first time we see him do those) and team North Korea looking swole.
Scan through the start list and post your findings in the comments.
Here are my Start List Highlights:
- 56kg: Om Yun Chol, Wu Jingbiao, Kim Tuan Thach
- 69kg: Qingfeng Lin, Jaber Berhouzi
- 77kg: Lu Xiaojun!
- 85kg: Sa Jae-Hyouk, Tian Tao, Kianoush Rostami, Rasoul Taghian, Ulugbek Alimov
- 94kg: Almas Uteshov
- 105kg: Kim Min-Jae
- +105kg: Behdad Salimi, Bahador Moulaei (despite his recent injury), recently mentioned Ivan Efremov
- 48kg: Tian Yuyan
- 53kg: Zhang Wanqiong, Zulfiya Chinshanlo
- 63kg: Deng Wei
- 75kg: Yue Kang
- +75kg: Zhou Lulu
so if lu is lifting here will he compete at worlds? or he is off best shape?laio hui to worlds then?
He probably will; I believe in 2009 or 2010 he did both as well.
Woops it was 2011 :p
He really is a robot!
Men’s 77 kg has Chatphum Chinnawong with an entry total of 355kg.. Who is he?
Last international competition was London 2012
and according to Polska Sztanga he did 160 + 186 in June
You are kiddning, right? You obviously did not watch Londons 77! His youth and inexperience cost him his 2nd and 3rd CNJ if I recall right. Very strong showing there. Looking forward to see him again.
I have so many highlights…lol!
W 48: This will be like a warm-up competition. Tian Yuan has this in the bag.
M 56 kg: The repeat of the epic Wu Jingbiao vs Om Yun Chol battle, this time with both competitors going head-to-head. With Thach also in, this should be a remarkable one. The lowest entry total of group A is 275 :O
W 53 kg: The same…another rematch between Olympic gold and silver medalists, with a darkhorse thrown in. Hsu’s entry total is colossal, but I doubt that she will be able to match Chinshanlo. Interesting to see what Zhang Wangqiong does outside of China, as I don’t give too much credit to results obtained in internal competitions.
M 62 kg: Chen Lijun vs Kim Un-Guk. Snatch WR in the making??? Irawan Eko Yuli also back, but I doubt that he will be able to challenge for more than a bronze.
W 58 kg: Interesting to see what Kuo Hsing Chun snatches. To me, she looked very close to WR level in Wroclaw. Ri Jong Hwa should present a good challenge, if she is able to Clean well enough.
M 69 kg: Lin Qingfeng should win, unless he somehow screws his lifts. The North Korean to finish second.
M 77 kg: Is Triyatno trying to break some record of winning Olympic medals in different weight categories? 62 in 2008, 69 in 2012, 77 in 2016(?) Lu Xiaojun has this in the bank anyway.
W 63 kg: Deng Wei should win easily, mainly because I doubt that Sirikaew will be able to match her entry total in real competition.
W 69 kg: I hope Ryo can challenge Xiang Yanmei, as her WCh performance last year was underwhelming IMO. It shold be a good fight.
M 85 kg: Rostami easily, although i’m interested to see what Sa will be able to do in the Clean and Jerk.
W 75 kg: Interesting that Rim Jong Sim moved up from 69’s, problably to avoid clashing with Ryo, giving PRK medal chances in two different categories. Kang Yue snatching ability should be enough to see off her opponents though. Wanted Podobedova there, but she’s probably preparing for the Worlds.
M 94 kg: Walk in the park for Uteshov. At first glance, i read the chinese athlete’s name as Liao Hui :O
M 105 kg: Nassirshalal should win, unless he shows up in really bad shape. Kim Min Jae can take a little advantage from the snatch, but his Clean and Jerk is very sub-par.
W 75 kg: Zhou Lulu will win, but the question is how good her total will be. After last year’s WCh she needs to send a message to Kashirina that she’s not over yet.
M +105 kg: I hope that Moulaei’s total is a bluff, or it will be a no-contest for Salimi. Interesting to see what Efremov will do in international competition as a +105.
Oh thanks, I totally overlooked Jingbiao and some of the ladies! Nice write up.
Dude, where is Ulugbek Alimov in your highlights?! Blasphemy. J/K
This is insane!
I saw him on the startlist, but I don’t think he will be close to Rostami 😀
Though I must admit that it’s always difficult to evaluate an athlete who moves up, because you never know how much kilos the extra BW will put into his total. But for now, I think that Rostami will win, Sa will finish second and it will be between Alimov and Taghian for Bronze.
This is like worlds/olympics without Russians…
77: Kim/PRK will probably get silver, just like last year WWC. Also very interesting to see Yershov (who still holds the Russian 85 snatch record) competing again after apparently 7 years. PS: It’s officially Lyu now, get with the times! 😀
85: Competitive as fuck (on paper)!
94: Liu Hao is the 13x200kg squat guy on youtube. He did a 220 c&j last year at the Universade.
105: Yang Zhe has done 400+ so I guess he will end up 2nd or 3rd. Kim has a lower entry total but the move up will likely help his c&j.
+105: Ai Yunan can get silver or bronze depending on Moulaei’s injury. I hope he delivers his national numbers finally.
I’ll keep “Lu” for now 🙂 Last words it was Lü, now Lyu again.Next year we will see Liu. Everybody knows him by Lu.
Stoked to see Lu Hao on the big stage, I really enjoyed watching him train.
TEN Sports will broadcast the ceremony and the games in India while SingTel will broadcast them in Singapore.
I have a very bad feeling there won’t be any livestreams and in the end all we’ll get is badly recorded twenty second news segments. 🙁
Will hookgrip be there? We need an Asian correspondent, stat!
I want to see Yang Zhe. @GregorATG:disqus He was the record holder for Youth Total when he did 396kg @ ~103kg in 2008. China’s prime candidate for 105kg, I wanna see his progress.
His 410 entry total looks very promising!
For live stream, I recommend you try It is a Chinese site with many Chinese live-streaming channels but just play around adjusting the channels to see if you can find the weightlifting event. Click buttons even if they are in Chinese and you don’t know what they do; the worst that can happen is you get lost and start over. The sports channel is CCTV5 so there’s a good chance it’ll be there. Hope this helps someone.
This is CCTV-5 English live-stream. Definitely easier to navigate than 55556. Hope it works out.
Can’t get CCTV 5 to work
The English site for whatever reason doesn’t work here either (no player).
The Chinese one works with the Hola CN proxy (though lagging) and the CCTV plugin installed.
They will broadcast the 48kg women later tonight, 23:35 CHN time.
Good to hear it works. I tried Hola + CN though. Maybe I messed up installing the CCTV plugin as it only showed chinese characters for me.
The livestream doesn’t work here either, not sure why. Everything recorded before it however does. This is what I get:
add.: they didn’t show any WL in that slot, even though it’s still labeled as such. There’s another entry for the class tomorrow before the 62kg, but who knows what will be up eventually. No 53kg slot spotted yet.
btw, kim’s 294 total is also a JWR. 🙂
Is Lu X going to lift at worlds as well as asians? Or maybe they’ll send another 77 to worlds? I notice Lin Qinfeng is the 69 here so maybe Liao is going to worlds?
56 will be sweet, glad Om Yun Chol is back from his injury. Battle with Wu and Thach will be great.
Chen has the biggest entry at 62, but it’s only 1kg below his winning total at worlds. So he’s not leaving much room to move.
At 69, Kim’s entry at 340 is actually higher than his bronze 337 total at worlds. Lin should take the 69s.
77 is obvious. The question is will Lu be looking to break records here? Save some for worlds and Rio? Go easy and pip the silver lifter by 1kg so he doesn’t waste energy for worlds if he goes?
85kg Sa Jaehyouk! So glad he’s back. Also second Korean with the same total. Plus Tian Tao, hopefully he can put some lifts together and get a total. Looks like Rostami has the biggest numbers on paper and everyone will be chasing him. Alimov Ulugbek apparently did 375kg in his last competition according to Ricky Gulyamov Then Taghian also 370. This is going to be a hell of a battle! Really hope we find some streams or at least end up with some decent quality footage of the whole thing afterwards on a channel like Frank Rothwell.
Looks like most of the Japanese lifters we see on this page are lifting
Uteshov seems to have the 94s in the bag but I’m looking forward to seeing my man Winnie the Pooh coming second!
105s look close, the Iranian is probably a good bet. Yang Zhe is the Chinese champion who snatched 190 isn’t he?
Another good battle for silver at 105+ as well it seems. Salimi will have massive victory and not break a sweat.
A lot of lifters vying for gold and silver at 48, not sure who to pick there.
A few big totals at 53, Chinshanlo might not win. The world record total is 230, and Chinshanlo and Zhang are entered at 225 with Taipei’s Hsu going straight in with 230. I think we’ll see world records in this one.
Can’t tell at 58 either. Kuo won 2013 worlds with a 241 total, so unless all the other entry totals are as conservative as hers she might have the win here also.
Lin at 63 has a big entry total of 255, the winning total at 2013 worlds was Tima Turieva’s 252. WR is 257. Taipei has some seriously strong women.
Some conservative entry totals for Xiang and Ryo at 69 with 251 and 250. They won at worlds with 271 and 262. Xiang should win unless Ryo has a good day and goes 6/6. Taipei battle for bronze.
Kang Yue won worlds at 75 with 276 so her 260 entry might not mean much against the two North Korean totals of 265 and 270. Another Chinese/North Korean battle. There were no North Koreans in the 75s last worlds so I don’t know how they stack up.
Zhou Lulu obviously going to win the 75+ but that Thai lifter has a close total. Still the world record total is Kashirina’s 334, not sure if Zhou is capable of beating her when the time comes. She won’t need to get near it here.
Great Overview!
This is the stream im using
This uses the same source as the one I linked int he post
oop, I must of missed that.
Well, China’s off to a horrendous start. The 56kg, kinda saw that coming, but the 48kg was a shocker. Didn’t even think to watch it cus I thought Tian Yuan would rape everyone (including some male 56kg B group lifters). So, anyone know why she couldn’t do 102kg 3 times? That’s the kinda weight that I expect the ‘lil monster to be able to lift if you woke her up in the middle of the night and threw a barbell at her.
Turns out she said her lower back and knee(s) were badly injured so she couldn’t train properly…
Om Yun Chol is a monster. His technique in the jerk is probably the most effective one that i’ve ever seen.
On the other way, the chinese team looks awfully out of shape, at least for now. Jingbiao was not too bad considering he is nowhere near Chol in the C&J (although I expected him to finish second), but Tian Yuan was horrendous. Her snatch was bad, but the C&J was a shocker…how could an athlete who already lifted 117kg in international competitions bomb out at 102?? :O
They are going to kill her. China literally has an insane amount of 48kg women who could have won this all the while looking like actual women. Tian Yuan blew it big time. She better have Ebola or something as an excuse to do this badly.
“all the while looking like actual women” hahahahahahah true that
Her entry attempts were very low for her. Even if she had made say 4/6 it would’ve been a struggle to come out on top.
So the training video basically says that China’s team got to the training hall and weren’t too happy with the bars as they felt that they didn’t turn easily enough but also said that it was fine as long as everyone’s bars were the same. Kim Un Guk and Chen Lijun are training right across from each other and eye-balling each other like, “You wanna piece o’ me?” China’s team is very relaxed, everyone smiling while training.
Thanks for the info. Live-stream for women’s 53kg A. Probably good for future sessions too.
A shame that I couldn’t find a stream for the women’s 53 kg competition, that must have been one of the best weightlifting contests of the last 15 years. Following by the live scoreboard I seriously thought that Chinshanlo had nailed it with that 132 C&J, but the Taiwanese emulated that, destroying the total WR in the process. I wonder how close was Chinshanlo’s crazy attempt at 137, considering that she was not far off from pulling a 135 C&J in London.
Kim Un-Guk was supreme. The Snatch WR was going to fall sooner or later, but his C&J performance was what surprised me the most. Probably he had some lessions with Om Yun Chol lol.
CCTV will have a replay of the 53kg (I hope). Going to post it once it’s online
Thanks! Although the fact that I already know the result will take out some excitement, this will be definitely one to watch.
53kg is not on the cctv5 schedule. 🙁
I’d like someone who can actually read Chinese to prove me wrong, but I’m doubtful.
They showed like 15 minutes of it and went to an effing volleyball round-robin match. Sigh… The Chinese fans just don’t care about weightlifting; they think it’s brutish and barbaric. They’d get higher ratings showing an exhibition soccer match between 2 random African teams than a gold-medal weightlifting match with China competing… Sad.
That’s just insane, that would be like no one caring and not showing swimming here in Australia. Whenever the Olympics is on, it’s just 24/7 swimming, it’s insufferable. But something the Chinese dominate so much as weightlifting you’d there’d be more people interested.
China always shows the badminton and ping pong matches. LOL Their talent pool is so great there that anyone else can probably take PEDs and still not stand a chance. They also show basketball and soccer, 2 sports that China’s national team athletes would probably lose to American street players at LOL It’s a cultural thing; Chinese people don’t like weightlifting cus they think it’s just stupid harsh punishment on the body, and the because the average Chinese person would never consider doing it. When my mom saw a video of weightlifters training, she actually said, “Did they eat too much and not know how to handle the energy? This is called wasting time and food; they should eat less so they feel less crazy then go study with their time. They can go outside and stretch their arms and legs if they want to exercise!” LOL
hahah that’s such a tiger mom response…
I posted the highlights video here:
Complete session is also on CCTV but needs a chinese proxy:
Ah, I forgot the .com site. Thanks for the reminder!
I got the 48kg from there. You only need a proxy to lookup the initial URL, the flash player gets fed segmented .mp4 files which can be played/downloaded without a proxy.
53kg is planned next, currently grabbing.
Come on South Korea, you have the best internet in the world, why no streams? 🙁
Lin Qingfeng is the MAN! Won China their first Men’s gold at London 2012, and did it again today! Bravo for performing so well under that pressure.
Honestly, Lin should have won easily. When Om put up 298, I didn’t think anything. When Kim put up 332, I thought that was kinda suspicious, but let’s not get crazy yet cus 154, 178 themselves don’t seem so crazy for such an elite athlete. When North Korea won the 58kg, I thought it was fine cus the 134c&J was just 1 kg greater when what she bombed on in Wroclaw, so she probably has it in her. But now that this guy almost beat Lin, and put up Liao Hui numbers in the snatch, I thought that was very suspicious. With these added together, and who knows what coming up, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the whole North Korean team tested positive.
Honestly I’m blown away at the number the NK team has been putting up…particularly Kim’s 178 CNJ (from his misses under 175 the last few years), and the guy in 69kg class snatching 160…it’s insane.
Exactly, and everyone improved at the same time too and all showed up extremely in-form and looked more at home than the South Korean lifters. Looks like something’s up. Maybe Kim JongUn just had them go all out on PEDs and declare victory, then censor the media when they all test positive or just tell the North Korean people it’s the world conspiring against their heroic athletes. Whatever, I should really not say this before they’ve actually tested positive though… LOL
But if the next guy pulls numbers that make Lu Xiaojun worried, I’m calling bullshit. If the next North Korean goes 172, 205 or some sh//t, that’s it; I’d say even if they don’t get caught, then somebody rigged the tests.
Hah yeah, awaiting to see how the North Korean does tomorrow against Lu Xiaojun…
My thinking is:
Out of competition testing is under national responsibility, meaning North Korea will never fail one of those tests. WADA can also do out of competition, but there is no way you can show up unannounced in North Korea, so that is also ruled out. In competition testing is as far as I know pretty easy to evade if you have the money and a sure guarantee you will not be caught at home. Then it’s simple maths to work out the timing.
Why the IWF lets North Korea participate knowing this is beyond me. Especially when they put sanctions on the greek and bulgarian teams, as far as I remember, requiring enhanced out of competition WADA testing since the national agencies weren’t doing their job. I guess North Korea can just fake the paperwork.
Having said that, I don’t think North Korea are any worse than the others with respect to PEDs
Well, if they are tested equally, I’d say that’s fine. But if NK is immune to surprise, unannounced testing, that does make them probably worse than others. Whatever, we’ll see. The 77 lifter today didn’t exactly beat Lu Xiaojun but he did also improve greatly since Wroclaw, like everyone else on the NK team.
The men’s 69 kg was a very strange (although entertaining) competition. I wonder what some coaches were drinking before the competition, because some tactics where very strange. I didn’t understand why Kim Myong-Hyok jumped to 190 after his first attempt when it was Lin Qingfeng the one who had to risk after the snatch, not to mention Behrouzi’s progression that made him bomb-out.
The Women’s 58 was also good. Wang Shuai is a great snatcher, but has to improve her C&J. Ri Jong Hwa’s consistency paid off in the end.
Did you actually find a stream to watch? All I watched was a scoreboard
No, I also followed it by the scoreboard. When I saw the number 190 in Kim’s second C&J attempt I thought that it was some kind of mistake lol
Can’t understand why the North Korean coaches had their guy in the 62kg class for from 182 to 190 in the jerk, especially when he had the lead over the Chinese in the snatch. He misses two times on a 6kg jump and it’s no wonder why he took 2nd. They basically gave the gold to China without making them fight for it.
He went 152, 185 in Wroclaw so they figured since he snatched 160, he had 190 in him, no problem. For what reason every single North Korean had progressed so fast is another issue. They went to 198 for the third attempt, probably to buy resting time thinking Lin would attempt 190 or something but Lin decided to just deny him the resting time and force him out at 198 for a sure failure. He couldn’t drop to a more manageable weight anymore cus after Lin’s declaration of 200, they already starting adding it to 198 and you can’t ask them to bring it back down. Quite a move by Lin’s coach.
That’s not quite what happened.
It wasn’t so much a smart move by Lin’s coach as it was a bad move by the N. Korean coaches. After their lifter missed the jerk on his 2nd attempt (190), they could have elected to have him follow himself and try 190 again. If he made it, then Lin would have had to make 192 in order to win.
However, the NK coaches raised the weight to 198, which is a huge jump considering their lifter didn’t make 190 just a few minutes before. Lin’s coach only called for 200 after the NK coaches called for 198 on their lifter’s 3rd attempt.
That’s what I said. I’m sure that as they raised it to 198, they didn’t want him to come out at 198. They probably hoped to drop it down after Lin made his lift at 191 or something. Lin’s call for 200 trapped him at 198. If Lin’s coach thought more traditionally, he would probably figure Lin couldn’t make 198 either and have him lift 191 or something, meaning the North Korean could drop 198 back down to 192 where he had a shot and Lin would need to make another lift to win, which he may or may not.
Pretty bad move by the NK coaches…considering they had a good chance of winning if they stuck with 190 or even did their second attempt a few kilos lower.
10:30 of second video shows Lin lol’ing at the NK taking 198, and Lin tells his coach he’ll take 200 then.
It looked like Lu wrapped his wrists with kinesio tape after he removed his other wrist wraps. Anyone know the purpose of this?
Live stream:
Time for the 85 kg class today, I’m really looking forward to this one, with Sa Jae-Hyouk, Tian Tao, Kianoush Rostami, Rasoul Taghian… Let’s hope they can push each other to really great results.
Personally, I’m rooting for Tian Tao, would be nice to see him nail a couple of big lifts in international competition.
Tian Tao… Da fuq????? :O
Money in the bank. His clean looked so technically well.
Never had any problem with the cleans. I’m so glad he pulled out a good performance, one of my favourite lifters. I hope he will be at the worlds.
Cannot help to feel a bit for Rostami though. The misses on 212 kg were rather close. But you could see the difference in the clean compared to Tao. Much harder for Rostami and seemed to drain much more energy from him.
Not only does Tian Tao actually get a total, he takes gold by sheer force of giving no fucks and going big. What a great competition, shame about Sa not totalling though.
Also that was the best quality stream so far, with a random kiwi commentator
Wow, this is very interesting. From the women’s 69kg clean and jerk video, it was divulged that since 3 out of the 4 gold medals that North Korea earned at the London Olympics was from weightlifting, they have since decided to throw a lot of money to improve that sport throughout the country. Makes sense. Also, the reason that Ryo took 141 after she made 140 was that the coaches, for some reason, didn’t get to change the number in time (30 seconds before the lift) and thus, Ryo could only lift it, not change it.
Winnie the Pooh takes home the (golden) honey! Another unexpected victory for the Chinese.
If you havn’t found a stream for the 105+ yet
So apparently, China has placed all lifters in the medals in the mens category.
And all women too, if it weren’t for Tian Yuan falling apart.
which means “and all women too” is wrong 😀