Meanwhile in Thailand …
It’s time for the 2015 Asian Weightlifting Championships.
After long flights Hookgrip, Paula and I made it safely to Phuket.
As always while I can’t be on ATG, Phil is helping to update the site.
Doping News: Faina Sivanbayeva (63kg Bronze, Kazakhstan) tested positive.
Kim Myong Hyok (69kg, North Korea) Snatching 152kg
Sin Chol Bom (62kg, North Korea) Clean & Squat Jerking 169kg on his opening attempt.
20 year old Junior World Champion and 2014 Worlds silver medalist Sukanya Srisurat (58kg, Thailand) snatches 104kg.
Chen Shih-Chieh (+105kg, Taiwan) clean and jerking 245kg
Su Dajin (77kg, China) squatting 280kg!
Just Lin Qingfeng (69kg Olympic Champ from London) banging out some Handstand Push Ups.
Now 18 years old, Semen Linder (85kg, Kazakhstan) snatches 166kg (gold medal) and clean & Jerks 192kg.
Kim Myong Hyok (69kg, North Korea) doing Snatch Grip Deadlifts up to 200kg and getting a back massage at the end of his training.
Jon Myong Song (77kg, North Korea ) snatching 160kg for snatch gold.
Check out his feet during the Pull
Meng Suping (+75kg, China) working up to 165kg Snatch High Pulls.
Xie Hongli (69kg) Clean & Jerking 140kg
Su Dajin (77kg, China) squatting 260kg for a double.
(13.09) Jaber Behrozi (69kg, Iran) winning the ATG award for the deepest catch position at the 2015 Asian championships.
(13.09) Rustem Sybay (94kg, Kazakhstan) with his 216kg clean & jerk that won him the Asian championship title.
(12.09) Li Ping (58kg, China) snatching 100kg for first place at Asian championships.
She holds the current 53kg snatch world record (103kg) and is also a multiple time world champion.
(11.09) Ivan Efremov(105kg+, Uzbekistan) Snatched 193kg, Clean and Jerked 220kg and Totaled 413kg to take home one Gold and two Bronze medals respectively.
Shih-Chieh Chen(105kg+, Taipei) Clean and Jerked 245kg for a 438kg total and the Gold medal.
Rustem Sybay(-94kg, Kazakhstan) clean and jerking 216kg to win. Rustem’s Instagram.
@rustemsybay (-94kg, Kazakhstan) clean and jerking 216kg/476lb to win the 2015 Asian Championships. He trains on Team Astana alongside the likes of Ilya Ilyin, Zhassulan Kydyrbayev, Vladimir Sedov and many other very high level Kazakh lifters under the guidance of Erzhas Boltaev and @toishan_bek. He is also the 2010 Youth Olympic Games bronze medalist at 77kg. A video posted by hookgrip (@hookgrip) on
(09.09) Ermek Omirtay(85kg, Kazakhstan) Clean and Jerks 203kg to win Asian championships gold. Kim Myong Hyok(69kg, North Korean) Clean and Jerks 186kg.
Wenyu Zhou(63kg, China) Clean and Jerks 135kg to secure all three golds.
(08.09) Bahador Moulaei(105+kg, Iran) attacking a 210 kg clean and jerk while Head Coach (and Olympic gold medalist!) Hossein Tavakoli looks on. Their instagram: @bahadormoulaei_official, @hossein_tavakoli_original
Bahador Moulaei @bahadormoulaei_official (105+kg) of Iran attacking a 210 kg clean and jerk while Head Coach (and Olympic gold medalist!) Hossein Tavakoli looks on. @bahadormoulaei_official @hossein_tavakoli_original Bahador lifts Friday at 16:00/4:00 pm. Live stream link on A video posted by All Things Gym (@atginsta) on
Ding Jianjun(62kg, China) took the lead in the Snatch by 13kg then secured 3 Gold medals in the Clean and Jerk with his second lift, 170kg. (07.09) Hidilyn Diaz(53kg, Philippines) snatching 96kg on her way to become the 2015 Asian champion. Li Ping (-58kg, China) snatching 100kg/220lb at the 2015 Asian Championships where she won with 100/126/226.
(06.09) Nestor Colonia (56kg, Philippines) winning the Asian Championships 56kg with a 121kg Snatch and 153kg Clean and Jerk. The first Asian Championships gold for the Philippines.
Male Chinese Team Sat Sept 5
Lin Qingfeng(69kg, China) Snatches 140kg and Front Squats 200kg. He will be competing on Tuesday.
Video of the Chinese Female Team in Training yesterday. This includes footage of Huang Yuezhen (48), Yu Yuanyuan (53), Li Ping (58), Xie Hongli (69), Wang Zhouyu (75), Meng Suping (75+). (05.09) Lin Qingfeng(69kg, China) gets his back stretched out. Looks like good improv if you don’t have a decompression table. Choe Jon Wi (77kg, North Korea) squatting 220kg for 3 reps today. Meng Suping(+75kg, China) Squats 200kg for a double.
Meng Suping (75kg+, China) front squatting 200kg/441lb for a double at the 2015 Asian Championships training hall. She did this after three doubles at 195kg/430lb and one single at 200kg. She used to hold the world record in the clean and jerk with 188kg before Tatiana Kashirina (Russia) made a 190kg C&J at the 2013 Worlds. A video posted by hookgrip (@hookgrip) on
Su Dajin(77kg, China) Squatting 280kg. (after he squatted 260kg for a double btw)
Su Dajin (-77kg, China) in the 2015 Asian Championships training hall back squatting 280kg/617lb followed by a graceful dismount of a 170kg jerk dip (he loaded it back up and did a much heavier weight afterwards). Back at the 2011 WWC, where he placed 3rd, he made a 211kg/465lb clean which is 1kg over the world record in the clean and jerk in his category.
Posted by hookgrip on Saturday, September 5, 2015
(04.09) Today we went to the competition venue & training hall and already wanted to leave because it was empty. Good thing we didn’t, because 20 minutes later the place was packed (team China, North Korea, TPE, and many more).
Here is Li Ping (correction: 58kg, China) squatting triple 2.75x bodyweight for two reps.
160kg. Looking forward to the days to come.
Hoogrip’s Training Hall video of team China from day 1.
- M56kg / W48kg
- W53kg / M62kg / W58kg
- M69kg / W63kg
- M77kg / M85kg
- W69kg / W75kg / M94kg
- M105kg / W75kg+ / M105kg+
All results are in PDF format.
Looking forward to this. Is there a startlist out yet?
Between this and the IWF Grand Prix, September is shaping up to be a good month!
I think this is the official federation’s website, I can’t find a start list on it yet but I’ll reply and update the page when I find one.
Start list:
Bahador Moulaei is in. Yes!
I just hope that he is completely recovered this time.
The schedule needs some adjustments now.
Done, thanks.
I’m also very curious to follow this competition. China will probably bring their “B” team, leaving out the athletes that performed in the test event, but I wonder if DPRK will do the same.
According to the training hall video the CHN male team will be:
62 Ding Jianjun
69 Lin Qingfeng
69 Huang Wenwen
77 Su Dajin
77 Wang Jie
85 Cao Gang
85 Sun Wei (not 100% if it’s him)
105 Zhang Xiliang
CHN women I could tell:
48 Huang Yuezhen
53 Yu Yuanyuan
53/58 Li Ping (she was 57kg at Nationals)
69 Lan Huixian
+75 Meng Suping
The 69 is Xie Hongli and the 75 is Wang Zhouyu
Thanks! Nice job identifying them all.
I get the joke. Let’s just wait for the startlist.
start list confirms.
11 correct, 2 mistakes, 2 not shown in video (Xie, Zhou). I’ll concede to underperforming.
and you were right… I asked Li Ping and she is 58kg here
Wow, China is really not trying here. They won’t even send Cheng Meng or Li Fabin out for a sure win in the 56 despite neither (most certainly Cheng) having a chance in hell of making it to the World’s! Not holding out, but don’t wanna go either! Sent Su Dajin for the 77? So basically expect him to bomb and take it as a delightful surprise if he doesn’t. What about Zhao YongChao for the 85? Seems obvious, no? Psshhht, whateva LOL This isn’t even China’s B team; this is the C team.
However, 69 should be good (Kim Myong Hyok vs. Lin Qinfeng), and seeing that double 200 FS, it looks like Meng Suping is here on a mission to take the clean and jerk record from Kashirina, so those 2 events should be quite interesting!
“Sent Su Dajin for the 77? So basically expect him to bomb and take it as a delightful surprise if he doesn’t.”
Haha, the poor guy. Even in the clip above, he completely fails and crashes stuff everywhere. Guy can’t catch a break.
you called it!
Unfortunately 🙁 I’m always rooting for him, but he’s constantly lets us down. He could star in a sitcom where everything goes wrong for him all the time.
As the resident unpaid translator, could you take a look at the longer Lu vs. Su video in the test event thread?
There’s not much to translate. Lots of small talk in that one. The most important was at the beginning where Lu was getting back into peak form and it says he’d done a 305 back squat before. After that, it just says that they have a healthy rivalry where they push each other just by their existence, though they don’t talk to each other much. They’re both not overly concerned with each other, more focused on their own progress. Lu says that knowing both Su and Lu Haojie are ready to eat his lunch if he slips up keeps him on his toes. Su says he wants to do 381. Basically just banter.
Why on earth would they pick Su Dajin? Yes, he’s filthy strong still but his percentages are terrible.
He bombed 2010 Asian Games, 2010 World Championships, 2012 Nationals, 2014 Nationals and now this.
He didn’t even lift in the Nationals this year. Today’s winner was 350 and China had five lifters who did more to choose from. Why not send Zhong Guoshun or Caoshi Jiaqi, they’re clearly not in the A selection for the WC.
Iran so called national team sucked here. Iran national news agency claimed Iran finished 3rd in the ranking. It could be by points. I predict Iranian team will do even worse in Houston except for Salimi in +105.
Best of luck to PRK lifters. I just hope none of them get cut cheating
again because this means a more deserving lifter missing an opportunity
to stand on the podium.
Asian Champs, Worlds in 2 months. Gregor, the man, doing a great job as always (thanks to helpers, too).
Can I say this? Life is great with weightlifting. I love you all so much! 😀
kinda thought Su Dajin was dead
Woww! What an excellent live stream! I really appreciate it!
Did anyone see the Vietnam guy in the men’s 62kg? He was just trolling around, doing extremely low weights easily, and after a sucessful 75kg snatch in his 2nd attempt he initially asked 130kg for his 3rd. One of the most bizarre performances i’ve ever seen.
Yeah, what was that? He also did the same in the C&J. 90-95-100, made them look like light training and then he was done. Was he upset about something and was this some sort of protest??
My guess is that it has to do with that stupid rule that requires any lifter in order to be eligible for the 2016 Olympics to have participated in at least 2 international competitions in the last two years.
Please tell me Su Dajin is officially retired now. I think his coaches gave him this opportunity to come out just to prove to him that he’s ready to retire. It would be terribly uncool if he insisted, after this, that he continue his career. They could have sent out Zhong Guoshun for the win, but they’d rather free up Su Dajin’s training space for a younger guy.
KIM KUK HYANG (DPRK) from North Korea – Very Interesting Girl in +75 kg of Women. Her TOTAL : 296 kg – this is will be 3 Result on World Championship-2015 in USA. In TOKIO-2020 this is North Korean Girl will be with Gold Olympic Games. Pity what KIM UN JU (75 kg) not will be in RIO (she just Really stronger than Podobedova (Kazakh) Or our Russian Girls (Nadezhda Evstyhina or Olga Zubova), with her 164 kg.