Meanwhile in China…
You may remember this 17 year old kid from the 200kg Squat for 13 reps video.
Here he is again. This time with a 240kg Front Squat.
Update: It looks like it’s the same guy as in the 94kg class in the 2012 Chinese Nationals (212kg at 57:00 in the Clean & Jerk)
Oh, and he does more than squatting all day.
170kg Snatch
200kg Clean in slow motion
Well that looked really easy-both lifts- What weight class is he in? He looks on the shorter side so I doubt he is a heavier weight class. I think he looks like maybe a 85kg lifter? His legs are freakish huge even around the knee which is rare. He has a build more suited for the clean and jerk though I would think.
He looks heavier that 85kg to me, but as you said, he may be short. Certainly one of the more stocky Chinese lifters.
I’m pretty sure his name is Oxman and he’s a 94kg lifter who won the 94kg class in China. Check out SDKING08Two channel on youtube then he features in the clean and jerk session nailing 212kg but missing 218kg twice.
You’re right, that looks like the dude in the 94kg session.
Here at 57min
them quads of peace, holy shit
I hope we see this guy in Rio
i agree. the kids absolutely insane
that’s one heavy little dude O.o
i’m pretty sure i’m part chinese cuz on a bulk my face gets super fat like this guys and i look butt ugly. on a side note. holy shit i wish i had this guys strength, also his knee caps. i am mirin hard