Jim Wendler has “A new take on and old favorite”.
It’s a simple 3 day/week training program with that allows you to train the entire body every workout.
What’s more, you can take your current 5/3/1 program and start training like this the next week.
Squat – 3 sets of 5-10 reps (using deload percentages)
Deadlift – 5/3/1 sets and reps
DB Bench – 3 sets of 8-20 reps
Squat – 3 sets of 5-10 reps (using deload percentages)
Bench Press – 5/3/1 sets and reps
DB Row – 3 sets or do Kroc Rows
Squat – 5/3/1 sets and reps
Press – 5/3/1 sets and reps (or do another pressing assistance exercise in its place)
Chins or T-Bar Rows – 3-5 sets of whatever reps you want, usually 5-30 reps.
Start with sets of 5 on the “light” squat days. You can work your way up to sets of 10 but you don’t have to.
You can structure the training however you see fit but this template is probably the best I’ve trained with.
I’ve been doing this since type of split since my accident – my training log hasn’t been telling the whole truth as I didn’t want to answer questions about the training until I knew the answer.
This works well and is fun. I take some long breaks between the exercises because I use the weight room to get stronger not to “tone”.
I don’t compromise on my training or on my workouts – if you want to change something, do so and see if it works. I can’t endorse anything I don’t do personally.
Eat. Sleep. Mate. Defend.
-Jim Wendler