Check out 2011 77kg Junior World Champ Albert Sayakhov doing some heavy barbell complexes.
195kg Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
Post by Albert Sayakhov.
185kg Clean +3x Front Squats + Jerk
Post by Albert Sayakhov.
Thanks to Dan for sharing it on the All Things Gym Facebook Page.
is he wearing the reebok crossfit shoes?
Dude, you’re right.
I have a pair of those Reebok as well as the Adidas adistar. The Reebok heal is very low in comparison to the Adidas and I don’t like Oly Lifting in them
So nothing for people like me with extra poor ankle flexibility.
exactly, the Nike have the highest heal I think
What’s up with the shoes?
Just that they are not “pure” Oly shoes.
Wow his jerks are impressive, alot a speed under the bar
what really helped my flexibility was squatting ATG, and after every lifting session taking about ten-twenty minutes to static stretch. sometimes i would just drop into the very bottom of the squat and sit for a couple minutes at a time. it also helps to change your foot position up too. like sometimes i’ll bring them in about halfway from my ATG stance, and then other times i will have my legs completely together. just stuff like that really helps with ankle mobility. i don’t have any of the fancy bands that starrett uses so i had to make due lol but now i’ve got really great ankle flexibility and can squat with my toes pointed how starrett taught in his ankle mobility wod
Great to hear that it worked for you.
I am doing some weighted stretches as well.
Especially camping out in the bottom position of the squat with 50kg.
not just my ankle flexibility but overall flexibility throughout my entire lower body, calves, hips and the like. bottom camping is probably my favorite way though. ha you should see some of the looks i get in the gym from curlbrahs who see me chilling in the hole after a workout
They are like :”What muscle does that work??”