Meanwhile at a Torokhtiy Seminar …
Aleksey Torokhtiy hits 190kg on his “Tor Complex”.
Snatch +
Snatch Push Press +
Overhead Squat +
Snatch Balance +
Overhead Squat
= “Tor Complex”.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile at a Torokhtiy Seminar …
Aleksey Torokhtiy hits 190kg on his “Tor Complex”.
Snatch +
Snatch Push Press +
Overhead Squat +
Snatch Balance +
Overhead Squat
= “Tor Complex”.
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
This seems like a variation of the Tor Complex. The real Tor Complex is: Snatch, Snatch Balance, Snatch Push Press, Overhead Squat. That’s the order of movements.