Meanwhile in the U.S. …
Alex Lee (69kg) breaks the double bodyweight barrier, snatches 140kg.
Also this is 5kg above the current (135kg) American Record (PDF).
Update: 170kg Clean & Jerk
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile in the U.S. …
Alex Lee (69kg) breaks the double bodyweight barrier, snatches 140kg.
Also this is 5kg above the current (135kg) American Record (PDF).
Update: 170kg Clean & Jerk
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
Guess he’s staying in the 69s for a while.
From Keith Miller on May 13th: “I train with Alex a few days a week here in Arizona. Alex is in the process of moving up to the 77 kg class. I’m not sure when he will compete, but he is planning on being able to hit 160/190 by the end of the year. He is mainly aiming for World’s next year. He recently hit 175 kg CJ and cleaned 180, but just missed the jerk. “
Nice, he is a hell of a 69kg lifter.
asian genetics are best genetics