Alex Lee (69kg) comes very close to a triple bodyweight Front Squat.
205kg looks like he still has more kilos in him.
Thanks to the anonymous submitter and Phil.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Alex Lee (69kg) comes very close to a triple bodyweight Front Squat.
205kg looks like he still has more kilos in him.
Thanks to the anonymous submitter and Phil.
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
Alex is going to be a monster in a year or 2. 155 and 190 or more in that time.
The most promising current american lifter. 69 is a weak weight class atm so it plays to his favor
is he clean?
I think he’s a bit sweaty from the looks of it. Most people have showers after training though. Hope this helps, douche bag.
lol why is this guy getting so defensive? it is only natural to assume. dude has been making a lot of progress in his lifts, somewhat unnatural. he is front squatting about what he use to back squat in just a few months. also, if you wanna compete internationally, we all know that the elites have to be one something. so stfu “NAME”
Is it that hard to keep the comment quality above youtube levels?
Keep the ad hominems to yourself the next time and pick a better nick name if you want to take part in the discussion in the future.
You fed the troll!
Guidelines about ad hominems and nick name use also apply to you.
If you have been around here you know that comments like yours bore me to death.
I wonder what you want to achieve by leaving it here?
Oh and in the future if you want to comment here I encourage you to pick a ‘real’ nickname.
I usually disregard comments by people who can’t even take the 2 seconds to come up with a nickname. Poor comments like yours make me think about disallowing anonymous commenting, which has worked pretty well here so far.
No doubt he has lots of talent but hasn’t lifted in a meet for a few years now. His best years will be wasted if he doesn’t get on the platform soon. Is he training to compete or competing to train? Being a “monster” in 1-2 years isn’t a given and nothing is promised. Get back on the platform.
Depends on his goals. Also a bit offtopic but his technique is phenomenal.
He will get back on the platform, you don’t know why he hasnt compted much and 155 and 190 are estimates not givens. No one said anything about promises. Quit being so presumptious putting words in people’s mouths.
Don’t be defensive here, nothing was aimed at you (presumptuous? You threw 155/190 out there). Americans want to see good lifters back on the platform, that’s all. I’m tired of seeing youtube sensations not competing in the US, especially someone who has the technique and pedigree of the lifter in question. I wish him great success.
when you quote what I say being a monster in two years yor are more or less quoting me therefore that comment is directed at me. alex will compete and as far as comparing Ales’s situation to say that of Broz;s gym where none of his lifters come close to lifting in competition what they do in training this is not the case with Alex.
Get over yourself. I hope Alex does well and I haven’t said anything to the contrary. I simply stated that he should get back on the platform while he is in his peak years.
Get over yourself “griggies” you said nothing is promised and nothing’s a given when I didn’t insinuate anything of the sort. 155 and 190 he is capable of reaching. he has a great coach and has plans to compete soon. One of my lifters has been his teammate on several teams so I think I know more than you.
Geez man, listen to yourself. You obviously think that
“nothing is promised and nothing’s a given when I didn’t insinuate anything of the sort”
You’re right, you didn’t insinuate that. I did! I simply made an observation. Can someone have an opinion of their own without you getting defensive thinking I’m talking about you??
I think Alex can do whatever he wants in this sport and he truly is a gifted athlete, but then again I don’t have to tell you that because you do “know more than I do.”
Blah blah blah, you took a simple comment I made and made in into some big assumption including he’s wasting time. He switched teams, left his long time coach, has gone through some personal transitions which is ultimately necessary to lift well. He’s back on track with a good coach and when he becomes a full 77 155 and 190 can very likely happen. So stop commentating.
You’re too much…….