25 years ago …
Alexander Levandovsky snatched 210kg at the 1988 Europeans.
Why doesn’t he have a wiki page? Can’t find any information about him.
Related: Akkaev’s 210kg Snatch
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
25 years ago …
Alexander Levandovsky snatched 210kg at the 1988 Europeans.
Why doesn’t he have a wiki page? Can’t find any information about him.
Related: Akkaev’s 210kg Snatch
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
He died in 1995
12. LEVANDOVSKY Alexander 1967 USSR122.0 460.0 ( 210.0 + 250.0 )14.04.88 Moscow, USSR
Thanks, Name corrected.
Talented heavyweight in 1995, was tragically killed in a car accident. Extremely sad.
🙁 Thanks
the sinclair of this lifter is very very high
At the 1988 Europeans in Cardiff (above) he was leading Taranenko, Krastev and Nerlinger in the snatch, but scored no clean and jerk.
Alexandr Levandovsky recorded a Sinclair of 218.9 and I’m sure had he lived longer would have recorded higher.
At the Druzhba Cup Meet, on 4th March, 1990, Evgeny Sypko at 130.65kg snatched 216.5kg, the highest competitive snatch in history (and a Sinclair of 222.684).
But it couldn’t count as a world record as the meet wasn’t officially drug tested.
Interestingly Levandovsky stood at 6ft 2.8in and Sypko at 6ft 4.8in.
Does ANYONE have a picture of Sypko ??? Surely the ultimate ‘mystery lifter’. I have a report of his participation in a contest ca. late ’80’s when he was lighter in weight and described as ‘a bony Frankenstein’ ! Another ephemeral Super was Evgeny Popov who succeeded Plachkov in Bulgaria in late ’70’s but never made Moscow.
I have one picture (black and white) in a book I could forward to Gregor to provide to you if that is agreeable?
Popov became a succesful powerlifter i believe. He had a comeptition squat and deadlift of 365kg and a bench of 225kg (not in same comp).
That would be cool for the wiki article. Still we need some other sources (which we can cite) for the info on him. There surely are some to be found on Russian sites.
Brilliant James ….. good to share with all those out there ! Ted