Meanwhile in Russia … at the 2014 Russian Weightlifting Championships.
In the Snatch, Aleksey Lovchev had a great battle with Chingiz Mogushkov.
His Lifts:
- Snatch: 200, 206, 212kg (Russian Record that stood for 2 minutes until Chingiz’s 213kg)
- Clean & Jerk: 242, 256kg to seal the deal, no 3rd attempt necessary.
- for a massive 468kg Total
- Bodyweight: 140.55kg
Perspective: at the 2000 Sydney Olympics this total would have gotten silver…
Read Alexey’s interview on ATG.
Update: Full +105kg Video added below
Update: Video of the Full +105kg Session
Beast! He’s crazy fast for a SHW too … +105 is just gonna be as exciting as the 105 with the likes of Albegov, Lovchev, Salimi and Moulaei…
I forgot about Baradhei…he’s a BEAST too. SHWs are stacked.
who is Baradhei?
I mean the iranian that went neck and neck with Albegov at the Worlds. I’m forgetting his name:(
He means Bahador Moulaei
The 212kg still looked restrained, I can only shake my head. Absent injury/suspension and considering he’s still growing in weight I absolutely wouldn’t be surprised to see 215 from him within the next two years.
agreed…that didn’t look hard at all!
Loving the “perspective” Gregor
I was interested and looked up the results of all WWC and OG since 1998 (weight class change). With 468 kg, Lovchev would have won all of them except 2000, 2002 and 2004. And thats just because of the freak among freaks, Hossein Rezazadeh … can’t really count him, haha
Yeah it’s great to see that the totals are rising to those levels again.
Do you think he has a shot at breaking the total record? He looks good for a 215 snatch. the 258 clean and jerk looked like a very near limit lift for that day.
I wouldn’t bet on that but the chances are definitely there. He is not losing much kilos going into international competitions like the EWC have shown. He is also one of very few elite lifters who have done their PRs in competition. Lovchev looks like he is a mentally strong competitor too, always able to fight and go for maximum weights. Furthermore he is young and it seems like he has some more kilos in him. The 256 was a limit lift particularly because he had to “sit out” the clean. With a smoother clean he could have done over 260 already imo.
well he proved us wrong (or right) 211/264…but he got popped
dont forget, salimi did 217+256=473kg prior london and 455 at the olympics. so maybe we should wait with this comparisons until november.
would be interesting if lovchev’s total is as outstanding compared to the nationals of the last deacde as to the results of international competitions, somebody knows?
You’re right .. this examination is theoretical of course and Lovchev still needs to prove something. However, Salimi snatched a solid 208 with more in the tank and wasn’t challenged in the clean&jerk. Secured the win with his first lift and went for a world record (I know, he wasn’t even trying). Still, 455 kg was way below what he was capable of that day. Nobody is doing max effort clean&jerks if he doesn’t need to. And my personal opinion is that Salimi does not feel comfortable with it in particular.
behador’s still my fav.
but lovchev is amazing
Better perspective:
At London 2012, this would’ve gotten Gold.
He’s something special. Just 5 kgs from the world record? Definitely the man. I am slightly concerned about his elbows but hopefully he manages to stay injury free. I honestly don’t know what can happen at the worlds. Salimi,Bahadour,Lovchev and Chingiz… they are capable of writing new WL history.