Meanwhile in Russia …
Aleksey Lovchev just got from his great performance at the 2014 Europeans.
Perfect time to upload his training PR from the time leading up to the competition.
255kg Clean & Jerk!
Update: Here is the interview with him.
Watch his 205kg Snatch +252kg Clean & Jerk here.
Update: YouTube Version
His catch position, damn. He’s developing nicely, could give Albegov a run for his money.
Golden times of superheavyweight are BACK!
Am I the the only one thinks that he needs to add more weight for his category?
Nah, let him be the new Chigishev of the +105 (just taller)
adding weight doesnt always help. sure it changes your leverages but it can also make you slower
He shouldn’t add unnecessary weight, just for the sake of it.
Nope. Considering he put on 16kg in the last two years while adding almost 40kg to his total I’m sure he’s not yet finished. I can see him leveling off at 150kg eventually.
Excited to see this. He has a lot of room to add weight on his frame and is already at 255–enough said!
nice! seems like he didnt loose much strength from russian trainingcamp to international competition stage.
thats not to be taken for granted.
I was going to comment on that actually. To have a 210 and 255 snatch and clean and jerk in training and deliver 205 and 252 is short of insane! Though do you think that it has to do with the fact that as a heavy weight he doesn’t need to cut down to get into his weight class? Or maybe he is just a damn efficient lifter…or maybe both
im sure it has to do with not having to cut weight.
but there maybe some other aspects:
some athletes do need the mental push of standing on the stage to show their best. others more like the training hall and get nervous in competition.
also it seems to be a concern of genetics how much you loose when cleaning up before a competition. e.g. i read an interview with (i think) taranenko, he says that vardanyan was “incredibly weak” without restoratives.
I wouldn’t be surprised if by Rio 2016 Lovchev is considered the #1 Russian super, or at least equal with Albegov.