What the hell did I just watch?
Check out this 360kg Squat by Alexey Martynov (Алексею Мартынову).
Description says this is from 2009 when he was 22 years old & weighing 160.8kg.
Love how everybody just giggles when he unracks the bar so casually. The spotters didn’t look like they expected that as well.
Does anybody know more about this guy?
“Parallel” squatters take notes. This is how you fucking squat. No ridiculous music, having your girlfriend slap you, or going wide in hopes that one day you can go narrow.
Actually, this video just demonstrates that different form works for different lifters, within both PL and WL communities. Here, we have a PLers squatting supper narrow, super fast descent, and super deep, without wraps, while actually a lot of top WLers barely squat below parallel. For example, I’d bet you any IPF judge would redlight this squat from Salimi on depth:
If you pause it at the bottom, you’ll see that his hip crease does not go below parallel; it may even still be above parallel.
Ilya Illin also front squats in a similar way, perhaps going to parallel. The thing is, both Salimi and Ilin have a ton of knee travel, so they still put a ton of pressure on their quads. Salimi uses a belt, Ilin uses belt and wraps, and they are some of the best WLers out there today, so clearly the whole 100% RAW ATG NO/NO/NO weightlifter squat thing isn’t a universal truth.
I squat fairly narrow stance, and I’ve tried wide stance, and it is not easier for me. I couldn’t even squat 200 kgs wide stance, and I squat 276 kgs narrow stance.
Bottom line–different form works for different lifters, and it’s not a reason to bash others.
Great post Everett
I included this lift in one of my compilations, but couldn’t find much more about the guy. He reminds me of Mendes’s squat form, but perhaps even more explosive.
Only which I can say: this kopetitions was in Kazan,Russia. Year 2003 or 2005…