If you have been around you know that I have been recommending Examine.com a couple of times in the past.
The guys behind it keep constantly improving the site, sifting through studies and assessing efficacies.
They added over 9,350 unique citations so far. It has become my go to resource for supplement information.
From now on, whenever I mention, creatine or vitamin d for example, you can hover over the link and see an unobtrusive, little bubble with information about the substance.
Clicking on the link will lead you to the Examine page for more information.
Try it:
- Beta Alanine
- Glutamine
If you enjoy this resource and want to support them, simply click the ‘Buy from Amazon.com’ button on their supplement pages next time when you stock up on fish oil and stuff.
You won’t have to pay more, but they get a small share from Amazon. Win-Win.
As you probably know, I don’t post a lot of stuff about supplements, so you won’t see these things too often. Just wanted to keep you informed in case you stumble across one of them in the future.
Really nice site but damn, for such a good TLD you would have thought they’d capitalise on it more.
Yeah Examine is a great TLD.
These guys are smart and will figure something out. They deserve to make a ton of money of the work they put in there.
Hi I’m from Examine.
Would love to hear what you mean by us capitalizing on it more?
What about?
Test E
I keep telling you, my doors always open.
good stuff
Really well done.