(Originally posted Sep 9, 2013)
Meanwhile at the 2013 Belarus Weightlifting Nationals …
After we saw his huge training lifts last week, here are Andrei Aramnau’s lifts from the Belarus nationals.
Update: Results can be found here (3rd sheet, near the bottom).
Bodyweight: 112.85kg
Snatch: 190, 196, 201kg
Clean & Jerk:
- 225kg on his first
- x233kg missed the Clean
- x233kg missed the Jerk
Update 11.09.2013: 201kg Snatch Video
Clean & Jerks
Also check out Andrei Rybakou’s performance at this meet.
It seems to me as if he moves slower. Probably he did not really peak for this competition and it’s just a test of the development and not more than preparation step for the World’s.
Looked that way to me too. 233 didnt look really all that hard for him. He was crashing the bar pretty hard on those cleans, but it still didnt look heavy for him. Tune up meet for sure
Easy weights but his timing is a little off, good meet though for him he will be a major contender in the 105kg class. This should be a great event.
He has very little time to fix his issues between now and worlds. Also his numbers might change after he cuts 18lbs in the next month to make weight. Good luck to him.
I think the plan could have been 233 and 237 so he would have done 1-1 kg more in the snatch and the c&j then in 2008.
Was he -105 here? Doesn’t look like it
As I write above…. Bodyweight: 112.85kg
whoops, sorry greg.
What part of his movement is slow? Is this a comparison to his lifts in 08? I believe his transition under the bar is faster than any other 105 around. Look at his foot speed and shoulder rotation. Perfect example also of how to finish the pull. If he is “good” to go for worlds he will win.