In light of Chad Vaugn’s super slow mo Snatch, here is an older video (14/07/2012) of Andrés Mata.
150kg Snatch at 78.8kg in 1 gazzillion frames per second slow motion.
By the way Andrés, you need to update your YouTube channel more often 🙂
Normal Speed
Thanks to Phil for submitting.
The video is in 14/07/2012 in Valencia – Spain, preparation for Olympic London Games, Andres doesn`t used to update videos.
thanks for the info
I can listen two people (¿coaches?) talking to Andrés, with a cuban-like accent. Do you know who they are?
The one who is talking is Matias Fernandez the National trainer, the one biside Andres.
Thanks for the information dude.
I’ve watched this 4 times now, unbelievable. I wonder if he will choose to fill out into a 94?
He seems to have left his calves behind!
Wow. Talk about keeping the bar close…