Here are the patreon reward posters for August 2018.
ATG Patrons at the $10 and $20+ level get access to the high resolution digital files, which they can download and print big.
Preview: Oleg Chen 160kg Snatch Poster ($10+ Patrons)
You rarely see bars bending overhead during a snatch, but Oleg Chen snatches with what most would consider a clean grip!
From his interview on ATG: “If I Snatch with a wider grip, I feel discomfort in the wrist. After trial and error I ended up with my current grip.”
Preview: Daniyar Ismayilov 160kg Snatch Sequence
The sequence poster for $20+ Patrons for August is the ⚡️ himself, Daniyar Ismayilov (69kg) snatching 160kg!