The Olympic Games got postponed!
Nat Arem (hookgrip), Jen (One Kilo) Dr. Boffa (ATG), and myself – Gregor (ATG) talk about what it means for weightlifting and how the spread of the coronavirus has affected us and the rest of the world.
- the Lu Xiaojun / Li Dayin equation. A year in mid 30s is a big difference compared to a year in your 20s
- Another year of recovery for Moradi, if he’s still in it
- What does it mean for worlds? How will the IWF change the qualification process
- Maybe there will be worlds in 2020?
- What about sanctioned countries and that timeframe? What is the impact on drug testing?
- Home Gyms
Nat’s idea for qualification:
- 5 scores to count
- You have to meet a min percentage of your prior roby points sometime next spring
- If you don’t compete or miss the percentage you forfeit your spot
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IWF should have world cup or something like 1967 pre Olympic when the world championship in Tokyo was canceled (No lie). Top ten from each weight class should get invite with each country allow to send one lifter per weight category.
Tokyo/Japan 3 – World/Olympic 0
1940 Tokyo Olympic cancel-War and also finance and venues not being ready.
1967 Tokyo world weightlifting cancel – Not inviting East German team (no kidding)
2020 Tokyo Olympics – Postponed (I hope so but I have a bad feeling)
Good news for Moradi I’d say. And more time for the young Meso Hassona to improve. Tian Tao’s Olympic dreams might be over.