Meanwhile at Europeans 2017 …
Aurimas Didzbalis (94kg, Lithuania) snatching 181kg to win snatch gold!
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile at Europeans 2017 …
Aurimas Didzbalis (94kg, Lithuania) snatching 181kg to win snatch gold!
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
You can always count on Aurimas for some theatrical celebration routines.
This guy is strong as a bull and built like one but he cannot lock his elbows in the jerk and that costs him a lot. But at least he has an Olympic medal (bronze) and those are the hardest to get because all circumstances have to come together at once; you have to lucky, healthy and present. He can thank his lucky stars. And yes, you can always count on the Latvian clones of destruction to always entertain with their antics, these guys are always jacked up and they are not shy.