The Barbell Shrugged guys talk about training the muscles that keep you upright and your spine from moving – the core.
What is it, how and how not to train it.
- your core is more than abs
- do weighted carries, especially unilateral
Audio Version: available on iTunes
Here’s a list of some of the exercises they suggested. I’m keen to give some of these ago. I kind of expected hanging leg raises to be on the list, side plank with rotation or even dragon flags for those who are strong enough.
GHD Sit-ups
Ab wheel roll outs
Walk carrying a weight in one hand/One arm deadlifts
Kneeling anti rotation press with an elastic band/Kettle bell snatch
Dead bugs
Not so sure about the GHD sit-ups. After Googling what they were they look a bit extreme for me.
I went and bought myself an ab wheel roll out for $20 the other week after the one at my gym got nicked some time ago. I love the damn thing along with my $12 door mounted pull up bar, which is surprisingly sturdy!
Thanks for writing out the exercises.
Reminded me to use my ab wheel a bit more often.