Here is a video of Lu Xiaojun doing some Barbell Side Bends in the 2011 World Weightlifting Championships training hall.
Depending on how heavy you go these can be a great core strength exercise as well as a nice warm-up / mobility drill.
Other name suggestions so far: Oblique Curls a.k.a. Hungarian ankle-Quixote a.k.a. The Stir-Fry 🙂
Check out more Lu Xiaojun training hall videos.
Update: Here is Mohamed Ehab doing them too.
Post by Mohamed Ehab.
both performing different. look at their feet. Lou’s are closed and looks like its warm up for the knee joints too.
the knees were stiff. they wouldn’t be affected by that movement. the only difference is the stance – most likely b/c mohamed was going heavier.