Talking about a powerful second pull, heh? Damn .. you can see why he’s the snatch world record holder. Not to mention his leg strength ^^
Also interesting that a jump forward is not uncommon among Iranian lifters. I wonder if this is taught on purpose or if the coaches don’t consider it a problem and don’t bother correcting it.
Russians do it also jumping forward and you are right his second pull is strong you can tell he can rack more weight
Is this the first half of that video last year which started from knee height?
Talking about a powerful second pull, heh? Damn .. you can see why he’s the snatch world record holder. Not to mention his leg strength ^^
Also interesting that a jump forward is not uncommon among Iranian lifters. I wonder if this is taught on purpose or if the coaches don’t consider it a problem and don’t bother correcting it.
Russians do it also jumping forward and you are right his second pull is strong you can tell he can rack more weight
Is this the first half of that video last year which started from knee height?
Can’t really tell if it was the same session, plates in the similar positions but the chair’s missing in the background.