If you are wondering what is going on in Iranian training halls these days, wonder no more.
Behdad Salimi squatting what looks like 350kg (hard to tell, but the last red plate is barely fitting on the bar, could be 370 with 7 plates each side+ bar, post your guesses in the comments) and 85kg lifter Sohrab Moradi pause squats 310kg.
+ Here is a short interview with Behdad looking back at Iran’s doping problem and forward to the Olympics.
Thanks to Dan who always submits great videos.
Afferbeck says
God damn, that squat looked so easy. Someone get that man some 50kg bumpers.
GregorATG says
If there’s is somebody who needs them then it’s Behdad.
jonathan kariv says
It’s just a bunch of red plates so has to be 320, 370 or 420. I’m guessing 370.
Randomguy57 says
He’s 22… What a ridiculous man
Ghosthalo2 says
haha wow looked easy for him I think he could squat 900+ That 310kg pause squat was amazing as well. I thought behdad was not going to compete this year though?
GregorATG says
I think he will be competing.
The injury ( https://allthingsgym.com/2012/06/behdad-salimi-injured-might-not-make-the-olympics/ ) was not so bad after all I guess. (If the video footage is fairly recent)
Dustin says
my guess is 320, remember seeing edwardo guadamud squatting 310 from the front and there was almost NO room left, even with skinny bumpers fitting another full plate of the bar just wouldn’t work
GregorATG says
Somebody go CSI on this and enhance this. I thought I counted 7 reds.
saeed says
Like I remember you saying it is not good like all the times I went to Iran was the world’s first power
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