What the? Benedikt Magnusson warming up with 800 lb.
Note: This was before he pulled the 1015 lbs WR.
Unfortunately we won’t see Benedikt in lift in the Arnold Strongman Classics.
He had a minor bicep tear doing a 205kg axle clean.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
What the? Benedikt Magnusson warming up with 800 lb.
Note: This was before he pulled the 1015 lbs WR.
Unfortunately we won’t see Benedikt in lift in the Arnold Strongman Classics.
He had a minor bicep tear doing a 205kg axle clean.
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
haha wow he absolutely destroyed that weight, that looked more like a speed deadlift lol how is wendlers 5/3/1 going for you? Have you looked into the conjugate method? I like Wendlers system becuz of the specificity and conjugate for its ability to overcome CNS burnout and stagnation but I would rather just stick with two or three variations that are very similar to the main lifts then do all the special exercises they use at westside.
5/3/1 is still going great for me. Pushing my reps and staying injury free. Just dedloaded all lifts to stay more on the higher rep side for the next cycles and put on more mass.
Conjugate looks great also. Really well thought out system. But as for me , I'll be sticking to 5/3/1 for the future.
Thats great to hear man! All the best in training. I was reading supertraining and some other prominent books on the science behind strength training and it's amazing how much Wendlers 531, Defranco's WS4SB, and conjugate seem to agree with the majority of research in the scientific texts. Rippetoes practical programming book is a great reference too. I have been too much of a program hopper in the past, I'm going to try to commit to 5/3/1 for the foreseeable future lol got a lil deterred when I stalled once but that was probably for a host of diff reasons but yea for now 5/3/1 is an optimal protocol which u can even tamper with slightly (prilepins table) and make great gains.
tamper lol I meant tweak but to Wendler it would prolly be deemed tampering.
For me there is nothing wrong with adjusting a program to your specific needs. (as long as you don't change the very core of it and create Frankenstein of a program)
For the main lifts I stick do the prescribed 531 reps.
And for assistance I will bring in some variation, i.e. vary exercises or use DB for bench or something etc…
Benni recently had an operation to reattach the tendon to the bone wit screws ahhhhh!! He thought it was minor, turned out to be rather non minor lol!
Ouch! Let's hope he recovers quickly. Best wishes from here.