Guys, guys, I found it! I think I found Lu Xiaojun’s “secret”!
Last time I was joking, but this time it’s for real.
Lu does Push ups, Planks, Deep Dips and Knee Raises on a Bench to tone his abs!!1!
Update: YouTube Video
In all seriousness I think this is just one of these “ask a pro athlete for some exercises for the common man” tv segments 🙂
If you can help translating, that would be great.
Ideal physique for me. I think its possibly naturally also other then probably the leg size and ofcourse the superhuman strength.
>international level weightlifters
>naturally achievable
pick one
haha so true it bums me out
well if you didn’t have the genetics it wouldn’t matter what you took either, he is obviously a very gifted individual and would be very strong even on nothing. He weighs about 190lbs right now while forcing himself to stay in a weight class and focusing only on max power output. if he was just doing bodybuilding I guarantee even with no drugs he would be low 200+ lbs while being still lean.
What are you talking about? He’s below 77kg.
Um he competes at 77kg 20lb weight cut is a joke for any real athlete he is at least 190lbs most of the time.
Uhh, not really. Watch his other videos where he was having hard time gaining weight. He says that he is @ most 80kg. Not all olympic weightlifters lift so far away from their weight class. (i.e Akkaev)
you’re thinking of mma fighters and powerlifters who cut 20+lb then have a whole day to regain their lost water weight. olympic weightlifters go to lift 2 hours after they weigh in. the most a 77kg lifter can cut would be around 5kg
haha so true it bums me out
They literally asked him to show the public some exercises to help get rid of a ber gut.
Push ups,Deep Dips 4-5 sets, 8-10 reps
Knee Raises on a Bench 4-5 sets, 20-30 reps
Even his diaphragm has super-human strength.
it’s a healthy tv show called “healthy positive energy” which teach people how to do exercise and right concept for health, so I doubt it’s Lu’s workout or not
(I came from Taiwan)
Yup. What he said.
If he is standing upright – would he fall backwards? 🙂
Lu is an android. Look at how he moves.
He’s unique, no doubt about that 🙂
Slab of muscle for a back, nuts.
One man in youtube helps me to translete. :)His name in youtube is sklanger.
“Hi everyone, I am Lu Xiaojun. Today, I’m training chest [flexes], and abdominals [undulates].”
He says 4-5 sets for all exercises, 8-10 reps for dips, 8-12 reps
for push ups, 20-30 reps for leg lift crunches. For dips and push ups,
slower movement when going down, faster when pushing back up.
Add a weight plate if the push ups are too easy.
Fairly standard stuff really. Sounds like one of those lame
variety programs where celebrity athletes are interviewed for fitness