Here are Boyanka Kostova’s (58kg) snatches at the 2016 European Weightlifting Championships.
The 22 year old Power Snatched 95 and 100kg before going slightly deeper on her 105kg attempt.
What’s remarkable is that she did 110kg in the training (Video below) a couple of days before.
Also Nat brought to my attention that Azerbaijan does not have any spots for women in Rio [Wikipedia]… So Boyanka has to hope for one of the individual spots the IWF hands out.
This is her 110kg Snatch a couple of days earlier in the training hall (same weight she worked up to in the Houston Worlds Training Hall).
Repeat Comment but relevant to this case IMO.
WL is one of a few sports (perhaps the only one) that countries can not field full team even if all athletes qualify. This is not a problem in wrestling where any country can send a full team as long as each one is qualified in their weight category. Now we learned the world champion can not go to Olympics because her country does not have a slot!
This sham is done under the notion of keeping number of athletes manageable. IWF will not fight this because of the old guards who are running the sport and want to get a royal treatment during games.
What to do? Aggressive campaign by fans like wrestling to increase number of entry athletes to Olympics.
This is a winnable proposal. IOC has to accept increase of lady lifters by one or two or IOC will be accused of discrimination.
If you give more details, probably many will follow?
Is there a site to file petition? Phone number we should call? Or something else?
It would be an absolute travesty if the current European and World champion (and double world record holder) is not allowed to compete in the Olympic Games due to some convoluted selection criteria.