Holy Cow! Brian Shaw gets a 411kg (905lbs) Deadlift double.
Read what he had to say about it:
I was coming off a tough week and was feeling far from 100% so this is very much a baseline level of strength for me. I feel like I could do this anytime that I want to which is a good thing.
Sometimes the days that you don’t feel the best can be some of the biggest confidence building days!
Basically stiff legged too, he sets his hips low but when he breaks the floor his back is almost horizontal. Makes it even more impressive.
Love how he just doesn’t drop the barbell but brings it down. Most out there should learn from this example. If you can pick it up you can guide it down.
Deadlifting is not an exercise meant to be slowly lowered. It’s a strength exercise therefore you explode on the concentric (picking the bar up) and completely ignore the eccentric (lowering the bar), which is what makes you big and sore (for bodybuilders). Athletes that drop the deadlift at the top do so because it’s the right thing to do.
He did near 10 reps or so with mid 800 at arnold in brazil and won the event. I bet he could deadlift around 950 ipf standards no problem. Strongman are the best pullers and pressers on the planet and most of the events revolve around those movements so they train them very seriously.