Read about Calves Training with Vince Gironda.
Here is a little primer on calf training explaining how to target the different calves muscles.
Donkey Calf Raise (video with dip belt) – focuses on gastroc
- Stand on a 4-inch-high block, about 24 inches back from a a table or bench about 3 feet high.
- lean forward, place your forearms on the table and bare feet (toes) on the block.
- Have a workout partner sitting on your lower back.
- Lower your heels to a fully extended stretch position.
- Keep knees straight.
- Slowly raise to a contracted position with most of the weight on the big toe.
- Perform 12 strict reps and 8 pumping reps. Use “creative cheating”
- Forever alone variation: use a Smith machine, vertical leg press or weight belt, work only one leg at a time if you can’t add enough weight with a belt
Hack-Slide Calf Raise (video)- focuses on gastroc
- Face inward on a hack machine.
- Stand with your feet about 10 inches apart.
- Keep your knees locked and raise to the top position.
- Hold the full contraction for two seconds and then lower to starting position.
Seated Calf Raise (video)- focuses on soleus
- Sit on a seated calf apparatus, or place a padded barbell over your knees. or load plates on thighs.
- Raise the weight by going up on the toes fully.
- Lower to a full stretch position so that the back of the lower legs really feel the stress.
- Feet should be pointing slightly outward throughout the exercise.
Howorth Heel Raise – focuses on gastroc
- like a standing calf raise except that you stand back on a calf block which is 16″ from the shoulder unit
- Your body should be angled about 80 degrees.
- Lower heels to the maximum stretch position and slowly raise to a fully contracted position on toes.
- Keep thrust coming from your big toes.
- Perform 12 strict repetitions followed by 8 midrange pumping reps (creative cheating).
i think you need real life sports like voleyball and mountain running to get calves.