Here is how you do triceps extensions on a preacher curl bench. And if that ain’t for you, Matt Wichlinski shows you how to get a good workout done in a wanker gym. dumbbell squat clean push press pull ups on a smith machine bar hindu push ups straight lying dumbbell raises (planche throughs)
Arnold and Franco Partner Workout
No weights? Here is how to get a workout done anyway. All you need is: a towel a 70’s bodybuilding legend Here are Arnold and Franco getting busy. I wonder why piggyback squats are missing…
Back to the Basics – Lying Triceps Extension
Mark Rippetoe goes through the details of the Lying Triceps Extension, which he calls the fourth powerlift. An important exercise that will help you improve your bench press. The long head of the triceps muscle crosses multiple joints. Muscles that do that have a distal and a proximal function. Distal function: elbow extension Proximal function: shoulder extension Therefore […]
Shoulder Range and Positional Inhibition
This MWOD comes in really handy after having done lots of dips today. Thanks Mr. Starrett for being awesome. Check out Mobility 101 for more mobility awesomeness. “