Matt Wichlinski shows you what real men put into their post workout protein shakes. Take a meal of your choice and blend it like there’s no tomorrow 🙂 Almond milk, ground beef, vegetables (peppers, zuchini, carrots ), mushrooms and avocados.
Myths about Carbs and Obesity
This was a very good read. Stephan Guyenet over at Whole Health Source thoroughly dismantles some hypotheses of Gary Taubes’ “Good Calories, Bad Calories.” The reason why obesity and metabolism researchers don’t take Taubes’s idea seriously is that it is contradicted by a large body of evidence from multiple fields. I understand that people like ideas that […]
Epic Healthy Meal Time
You already learned how to gain weight the Epic Meal Time Way. Now you have an alternative: HEALTHY MEAL TIME!
Tour de France Carb Fest
Tour de France cyclist Andy Schleck posted this pic of the food each rider in their team eats a day during a day in the TDF. Carbs anyone?
Gaining Weight – The Epic Meal Time Approach
Ectomorph? Hardgainer? Try the Epic Meal Time approach. Bonus Tip “Don’t run when you can walk, don’t stand when you can sit, don’t sit when you can lay down”