Meanwhile in Ireland … Clarence Kennedy Clean & Jerks 220kg at 100kg bodyweight! Together with his recent 180kg Snatch this gives him a pretty good training total 😀 Read his Interview on ATG.
Clarence Kennedy 180kg Snatch
Meanwhile in Ireland… Clarence Kennedy posted a new Snatch series video and hit a huge milestone. In the YouTube comments he said that he wants to compete in the future internationally but is currently focusing on training. More: Read his Interview on ATG. Update 26.09.2015: 220kg Clean & Jerk
Clarence Kennedy 280kg Paused Back Squat
Meanwhile in Ireland… Clarence Kennedy is looking in good form with a huge 280kg Paused Back Squat @ 100kg. You can read about his training and recovery here.
Clarence Kennedy 250kg Front Squat
Meanwhile in Ireland … Clarence Kennedy Front Squats 250kg! This was done after attempting 215kg in the clean and jerk twice so I was pretty tired. Read his Inteview on ATG.
Clarence Kennedy 220kg Clean
Meanwhile in Ireland… Time for our weekly Clarence Kennedy fix. Soon he’ll need to buy more plates! More: Read his Interview on ATG.
Clarence Kennedy 175kg Snatch + 210kg Clean and Jerk
Meanwhile in Ireland … Clarence Kennedy gets early easter presents with a 175kg Snatch + 210kg Clean and Jerk and 215kg Clean! More: Read his Interview on ATG.
Clarence Kennedy 270kg Pause Squat February-March Training Highlights
Meanwhile in Ireland … Here are Clarence Kennedy’s training highlights for February – March. Includes a 1RM Pause Squat of 270kg (280kg miss), 210kg C&J attempt and more.
Clarence Kennedy 170kg Snatch
Meanwhile in Ireland … Clarence Kennedy celebrates St. Patrick’s day with a 170kg Snatch at 100kg! More: Read his Interview on ATG.
Clarence Kennedy 150kg Power Snatch
Meanwhile in Ireland … Clarence Kennedy Power Snatches 150kg More: Read his Interview on ATG.