I like sandbag training every once in a while. Gripping and lifting odd objects is a great way to get out of your comfort zone. Minnesota Strongman David Ostlund takes it to another level. David Ostlund vs 304 pound Sandbag Clean and Press Spoiler alert… David is winning He also has monster deadlift…David Ostlund 800lb. Deadlift […]
Richard Hawthorne Deadlift 600 lbs x 2 @ 132 lbs
Richard Hawthorne Deadlifts 272kg (600 lbs) x 2 at body weight of 60kg (132 lbs) Pound for pound one of the strongest guys.
Get Strong Working 9 to 5
Over at Elite FTS The Angry Coach writes about his diet and workout program. He calls his programming “Block Training For the Regular Guy” and it sounds pretty reasonable, especially if you’re pressed on time. Main exercises bench press squat deadlift clean He follows Prilepin’s Chart “starting with 50%, going up 5% per week, and […]
Overcoming Sticky Points in Lifts
From “Sticking Point Therapy” by Christian Thibaudeau Bench Press 1. Sticking point close to the chest:Most probable weak muscle: pectoralsAnother possible weakness: anterior deltoids 2. Sticking point mid-way (elbows at 90 degrees):Most probable weak muscle: anterior deltoids 3. Sticking point during the last portion of the press (past 90 degrees):Most probable weak muscle: triceps Deadlift […]
70′ s Big Podcast Episode 8
Just listened to Episode 8 of the 70′ s Big Podcast Topicsnutrition, rehabbing SI/lumbar injuries, deadlifting programming, powerlifting
Dimmel Deadlift – Plateau Buster
Here is a Deadlift variation to break plateaus. The Dimmel Deadlift is essentially the top 2/3 of a regular conventional deadlift with a few key differences. It’s done explosively for 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps. Lift the bar off the floor like a normal deadlift using a double-overhand grip. Lower it to just below your […]
Getting Strong without a Power Rack
Jim Wendler on getting strong without a power rack or squat stands. The main lifts you can concentrate on are as follows: deadlift, power clean, bent over row, and press. These four lifts will be your core lifts – if you are using my 5/3/1 training program, these will be the ones you will try […]
531 for Beginners – 3 Days a Week Program
Jim Wendler posted a 5/3/1 variation for a beginners percentages are 90% of your max and working up 3 days a week, full body strength program 2 main lifts, first is performed in standard 5/3/1 fashion, second is performed with 3 sets of 5 starting at 55% of your 1RM (weight increases 10% each set) […]
End Range Stability vs Hyperextension Mobility WOD
In their series on load ordering Kelly Starret and Carl Paoli take on the topic of hyperextension. This is especially interesting for Gymnasts with hyper extended elbows or hyper-mobility in general. Goal: Creating stiffness at end ranges without over pressuring the joint. For Deadlift this means getting neutral while actively pulling yourself into extension. Loading order: get braced from top to […]