Here is a video of the 2002 Russian Grand Prix. Among the lifters are Marcin Dołęga, Ronny Weller, Hossein Rezazadeh, Andrei Chemerkin and others. Lifter Snatch Clean & Jerk Andrei Chemerkin 185 kg, 195kg, x200kg (lost his grip, thought his thumb ripped off) x235 (28:45– look at his catch and “rack” position. Inflexible? Weight of […]
Marcin Dolega 201kg Snatch 235kg Clean & Jerk
Some big lifts from the 2008 Polish Championships. Marcin Dołęga with a 201kg snatch. 235kg C&J
Marcin Dolega 202.5 kg Snatch in Training
Here is Marcin Dołęga with a 202.5 kg snatch in training. He also won the 2009 World Weightlifting Championships – Men’s 105 kg undefined