Here is another handy stretching / mobililty routine cheat sheet. This is based on the Starting Stretching routine and was made by okguysletsdothis, who has some serious stick figure drawing skills.
Olympic Weightlifting Sequence – The Clean
Nice visual displaying the different phases of a clean. First pull, second pull, drop under the bar, receiving and squat of a clean. Weightlifting Clean Sequence First pull, second pull, drop under the bar, receiving and squat
Tour de France Carb Fest
Tour de France cyclist Andy Schleck posted this pic of the food each rider in their team eats a day during a day in the TDF. Carbs anyone?
Human Flag on Balcony
Update: Check out Vass doing weighted full planches on his new parallettes. Vass The Supersaiyan aka Ashita on the Gymnasticbodies forums posted this human flag on a balcony photo in the “Your Best Pictures” thread. In-sa-ni-ty Human Flag on a balcony