Blast from the Past! Here is a look at Szymon Kolecki’s weightlifting history up to the year 2000. This by no means an exhaustive compilation of all his competitions (see his competition history here), but we cover a lot of ground nonetheless. I think it’s just stunning to see him evolve from a skinny kid, […]
Szymon Kolecki & George Asanidze Snatch Training
How about some Szymon Kolecki & George Asanidze snatch training from an IronMind dvd?
Szymon Kolecki C&J Secret
Here is Szymon Kolecki’s World Record Clean & Jerk secret. What a shame that he has to do stupid ads like that. Weightlifting is just not popular enough to earn you a decent living. Well, at least he’s not wearing these ridiculous balance scam braceletes.
Szymon Kolecki 232.5 kg Clean & Jerk World Record
World Record Wednesdays 18 year old Szymon Kolecki (94kg) with his 232 kg Clean & Jerk. Event: 29 April 2000, European Championships, Sofia, Bulgaria Crazy lift if you consider the current 105 world record C&J (238kg by David Bejanyan). Update 20.11.2015: Ironmind uploaded this lift.
Polish Weightlifters Training for Beijing – Siodme Poty
I always enjoy these training hall videos and looks behind the scenes of incredible athletes. Here is some training footage of the Polish Olympic weightlifting team getting ready for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Enjoy Szymon Kolecki and co. under the watchful eyes of head coach Zygmunt Smalcerz. Siódme Poty Part 1-6 undefined