Chad Vaughn wrote an article on the Split Jerk.
From stance, grip width, jerk dip, shoulder-hip alignment to jerk foot position he covers pretty much everything.
As for the dip, I cannot remember ever working with anyone whose dip I have not reduced in depth.
Download: link to PDF (right click + ‘save as’)
Set up in the front-squat rack position with upward pressure on the end of the elbows.
Head neutral and feet in a stance of flexibility.
Dip slow, straight and short.
Aggressive change of direction and exaggerated head movement back while maintaining upward elbow pressure.
Hips and ankles open completely as chin is lifted to its highest point.
As the bar begins to float, it stays in the fingertips as it is guided back slightly and the hips start to drop straight down and the feet split.
The bar and head will quickly pass each other, at which point the hands will wrap and push the body the rest of the way under for a lockout that will occur immediately after the feet return to the floor.
The bar is now directly over the shoulders and the hips with the head poking through to the point where the ears are just in front of the arms.
The front foot moves back first to the point where the back foot will step up and meet in the middle to complete the lift.