Meanwhile in the US …
Chad Wesley Smith Squats 365kg for a Double and quickly goes over the purpose of Heavy Walkouts & Holds.
This was something that confused quite a lot of people in his “Cowboy Method” Program.
For the Holds:
- Up to 2 times per training cycle
- up to 10% overload
Of course you can also do it with a front rack position, which will be a slightly different stimulus. Maybe more applicable for weightlifters.
Update 10.10.2014: Chad Squats 387kg, exactly what ATG’s Rep Max Calculator predicts when you plug in 365 x2.
More from Chad: His Talk on Squat and Special Strength Training
If you use a low bar position for this sort of thing, get ready for your forearms to explode. Mine grew significantly when I started doing heavy (heavy for me: 250-285 kg) squats on a regular basis with a narrow grip, low bar placement. I literally sweated blood from the pores in my forearms until I started using wrist wraps. Pretty cool! Can’t imagine the stress with over 450 kgs.
it’s funny, low bar totally bangs up my shoulders, forearms and rotator cuffs. but high bar tends to kill my hips and groin. life…
Very strong squatting. I love to see that he walks out the weights and has no suit. That is how God intended us to squat as written in the book of Coan Eddimus.
Haha, I’m all for lifting raw, and so is Ed, but he squatted with a squat suit for pretty much every competition he ever did.
I was aware of that, but in my defense the suits back then didn’t make that much of a difference and also his name was most fitting to be a bible author. Plus of course his squatting abilities are unquestionable.
True. And he says if he ever does a comeback meet he’ll compete completely raw–not even wraps.