Meanwhile in China …
Quick clip from the Chinese winter training camp (where Tian Tao also C&Jed 220kg).
Update: Part 2 with Wu Jingbiao Snatching 135kg!
Also Ding Jianjun 170kg Front Squat, Li Fabin 170kg Jerk, Lu Haojie 140kg Snatch, Zhang Jie 190kg Front Squat.
Translation of Part 2 Thanks to Tim>
Narrator: Every year the Chinese weightlifting team goes to Fujian to train. One of the groups (the weightlifting team is split into different ‘groups’) that are training here consists mainly of Fujian natives.
Lin qing feng, wu jing biao, and zhang jie are all natives. Coming home to train is comfortable and puts everyone in a good mood. Over the last 3 weeks, multiple athletes have already improved.
Wu Jing Biao: I’m relaxed. Also, since I grew up in the South, I’m used to the environment. This has greatly helped our winter training, recovery, and increased our totals.
Coach: Training feels great. We’ve trained here for about 4 weeks, and totals haven’t been this high in 1-2 years.
Narrator: There’s still a while before training’s done. […Something about the national championships in April.]
(Basically what Victor said lol)
- Tian Tao does a heavy Front Rack Hold (351kg)
- Lu Xiaojun and Liao Hui Front Squat a bit
- and Long Qingquan does Banded Leg Curls
Translation from reader Tim:
There’s been some time since we’ve seen Long Qing Quan so happy during training. This short video was recorded by Liao Hui. Although the quality of the video’s not that great, the important thing is the feeling.
The Chinese Men’s Weightlifting team is currently training in Hai Nan. This is already their 5th week of training. The weather’s nice, the air’s nice, and there’s a new environment. Everyone’s feeling good.
Although they’ve only been there for about a month, the results have been pretty noticeable. Each athlete has improved in one way or another.
Long Qing Quan: first and foremost, the weather here’s nice, which naturally makes me happier and more relaxed. The training here’s been especially intense, and I’ve been able to become extremely focused, so I’m glad.
Yu Jie: the primary goal of this year’s winter training is to increase the potential (I think he means strength and work capacity) of ou r teammates. After we got here, there’s been significant progress made. The general atmosphere’s been conducive to progress.
Everyone’s motivating each other to do better through support and friendly competition.
The team will train here for 3 months until the National Championships in April. They are also the selected team for this year’s World Championships.
Update: Long Quingquan video added. Translation below thanks to Victor.
Translation: Long Qingquan is feeling like he’s never felt before. His lower back strength has improved 20kg and his leg strength has returned to his highest form.
He can double front squat 180kg. He is at 130/165 however, this is only a third of his winter training. He has retained his former advantages but has also truly begun to get used to Coach Yu Jie’s training methods and mesh into the team. Expect far greater results to come.
Long said that training by himself is depressing and lonely. Now that he has these brothers to train with (Liao Hui, Lu Xiaojun, etc…), he feels very happy and energized.
They create a highly productive environment and lend each other a great deal of encouragement. “Om Yun Chol had better watch out!” LOL In the end, Long wishes everyone a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year.
Tian Tao 4x BW hold, damn…
There’s been some time since we’ve seen Long Qing Quan so happy during training. This short video was recorded by Liao Hui. Although the quality of the video’s not that great, the important thing is the feeling.
The Chinese Men’s Weightlifting team is currently training in Hai Nan. This is already their 5th week of training. The weather’s nice, the air’s nice, and there’s a new environment. Everyone’s feeling good. Although they’ve only been there for about a month, the results have been pretty noticeable. Each athlete has improved in one way or another.
Long Qing Quan: first and foremost, the weather here’s nice, which naturally makes me happier and more relaxed. The training here’s been especially intense, and I’ve been able to become extremely focused, so I’m glad.
Yu Jie: the primary goal of this year’s winter training is to increase the potential (I think he means strength and work capacity) of our teammates. After we got here, there’s been significant progress made. The general atmosphere’s been conducive to progress. Everyone’s motivating each other to do better through support and friendly competition.
The team will train here for 3 months until the National Championships in April. They are also the selected team for this year’s World Championships.
Thanks a lot for this!
I may have heard incorrectly but are you sure they weren’t saying the nationals in April will help choose this year’s World Championship’s team?
I think it was Doug Hepburn who called the Lying Triceps Extension “The Fourth Powerlift.” It seems like the “Fourth Powerlift” for the Chinese is the Super-Heavy Front Rack/Jerk Drive. They obviously Squat and Pull like everyone else but I’m seeing this so frequently it seems more foundational than exceptional in it’s use.
how much were liao and lu front squatting? looked like 210?
It’s 210, 4 blues + 1 green, 201 is probably a typo.
The whites are 0.5kg, not a typo. You can see the size of a 5kg plate in the beginning on a bar behind Long.
My bad, I got my math wrong and confused the 10s with 15s.
Jesus christ I’m a shitty Asian.
Any idea why they added 0,5 kg plates to the front holds and the front squats? Seems awkward…
maybe its to prevent the outer discs to fall from the barbell. look like theres not enough space for a collar..
looks 🙂
Olympic weightlifting has become my new passion. I am new to this sport. It is simply mind boggling to see a 69 kg lifter such a liao hui snatch peoples deadlifts max ( i cannot even deadlift their max snatch) over their heads. Can some clarify something for me? how come some lifters do better in the snatch compared to clean and jerks and other do better in the clean and jerk compared to the snatch? Isnt the clean and jerk suppose to be their heaviest?
I don’t think there is a lifter who snatches more than cleans and jerks. The only possible way it could happen is injury.
There are lifters who snatch much more relatively (compared to others) and clean and jerk less. Andrei Rybakov (BLR) is the most extreme example I know. He did 175 snatch and 191 c&j while others with 175 snatch clean and jerked around 210-215. I think there are few reasons for that: individual’s body or training may emphasize a certain lift more than the other.
It is also possible to have different relative results because snatch is more speed/technique based while clean and jerk (especially, clean) is more strength based. See Klokov. He travels all the time and his strength dropped. He does not squat or clean very heavy now, but he can snatch and jerk on a very high level.
i understand now. Thank you for the clarification !
I love the Rybakov example 🙂 His craziest total was 182.5/187.5 at the 2002 world championships. He also was 1st in the snatch in Paris 2011 and got 18th (!) place in the total …
18th C&J, 7th total. 🙂
That’s what I wanted to write in the first place *g*. Corrected it – thanks!
Does anyone know where or how to buy those blue weight stands?
These are made by ZKC while DHS manufactures a similar model. The ZKC ones can be bought in the USA from but they’re expensive. The DHS stuff is available from China directly ( but probably more of a shipping hassle.
Update: Long Qingquan is feeling like he’s never felt before. His lower back strength has improved 20kg and his leg strength has returned to his highest form. He can double front squat 180kg. He is at 130/165 however, this is only a third of his winter training. He has retained his former advantages but has also truly begun to get used to Coach Yu Jie’s training methods and mesh into the team. Expect far greater results to come. Long said that training by himself is depressing and lonely. Now that he has these brothers to train with (Liao Hui, Lu Xiaojun, etc…), he feels very happy and energized. They create a highly productive environment and lend each other a great deal of encouragement. “Om Yun Chol had better watch out!” LOL In the end, Long wishes everyone a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year.
That’s nice to hear. Thanks for the translation.
thought you might want to put this here too
So basically, the B-squad ain’t doing so bad either. 4 weeks into winter training and most of them have recovered to prime condition. Wu Jingbiao says he’s feeling carefree and relaxed in this familiar environment, which was very helpful to their (his team’s) progress.
Narrator: Every year the Chinese weightlifting team goes to Fujian to train. One of the groups (the weightlifting team is split into different ‘groups’) that are training here consists mainly of Fujian natives. Lin qing feng, wu jing biao, and zhang jie are all natives. Coming home to train is comfortable and puts everyone in a good mood. Over the last 3 weeks, multiple athletes have already improved.
Wu Jing Biao: I’m relaxed. Also, since I grew up in the South, I’m used to the environment. This has greatly helped our winter training, recovery, and increased our totals.
Coach: Training feels great. We’ve trained here for about 4 weeks, and totals haven’t been this high in 1-2 years.
Narrator: There’s still a while before training’s done. […Something about the national championships in April.]
(Basically what Victor said lol)
At 0:28, we see Li Fabin jerk 170kg. I’ve always taken this to obviously a jerk off the rack since from the 2014 World’s you’d think he couldn’t clean 160. However, as I look more into this, not only do you see him coming out of a dip (which may be an adjustment, and exercise to dip before jerking, or him coming out of the clean), there are no racks within a body-length in front of him! So did he pick it up off a rack and walk back like 2 meters to jerk it or did he… clean it??? If he cleaned it, what was his body-weight? Could he be going to 62? He did look extremely shredded at 56, like it was hard to lose weight.
Tim/Victor: thanks! As our resident ATG translators here’s a short request, Liao Hui talking (I assume) about his WWC performance:
Would be nice to know if he says anything interesting.
There was some kind of athletic award that was being given out. At first, there were 40 athletes up for consideration. Now there are 5 left and Liao Hui is one of them. He says it doesn’t matter if he gets it; he’s already honored to have been nominated and went so far and at this point, there’s no wrong choice among the 5. He just wants Chinese weightlifting to get the fans’ support. He also says that this is all dedication; it’s not easy at all but all these years, he says, we haven’t let the total gold count slip into the hands of any other country. Chinese weightlifters have always displayed Chinese power and year-after-year, ascended the nation to the top of the final podium gold count.
I’m pretty sure the coach in the second team video is Wan Jianhui, former 69/70kg lifter with a couple of WWC medals.