Kirk from shares a Chinese weightlifting training template you can use as a starting point for your lifting.
- 1RM squat once a week. It takes too much to keep going to 1RM’s and it cuts your capacity for more work.
- The stronger you are, less time should be spent on strength. More time must be spent USING that strength and power.
- 90% of the training population won’t achieve the point above so stop worrying about it.
- use reps to determine weights
- Mix your rep ranges, but never stray too far off the 1RM. This is weightlifting, not crossfit or bodybuilding.
- Always do unilateral movements after training, like 1 minute of walking lunges or some lateral raises.
Snatch to 1RM (3×3)
CNJ to 1RM (3×2)
Back Squats (5-7 x 3-5)
Clean Pulls (5 x 3)
Behind neck push press (5 x 2-5)Tuesday
Snatch to 1RM (5-8 x 2-3) – Overhead squat after completion of each rep)
Snatch Balance (5-8 x 1-3)
Snatch Pulls (5-6 x 2-3)
Block High Snatch Pulls with Rebend (6-8 x 2-3)Wednesday
Clean + FS + Jerk 1RM (5-8 x 2)
Front Squats (5-8 x 1 -3)
Clean Pulls (5-6 x 3)
Behind Neck Push Jerk (8 x 1)
Push Press (5 x 3 )Thursday
Back Squats to 1RM (6-8 x 2-5)
Snatch 85-90% (2-3 x1)
Clean and Jerk 85-90% (2-3 x1)
Strict Press (5 x 3-5)Friday
Snatch to 1RM (3 x 1)
CNJ to 1RM (3 x 1)
Snatch Pulls (5 x 3)
Block snatch high pull with rebend (5 x 2-3)
Jerk Drives (8×3) – About the same weight as your max 1RM back squatsSaturday
Front Squats to 1RM (5-6 x 1-3)
Platform Clean Deadlifts (5-6 x 1-3)
Snatch Balance (5-6 x 1-3)
Push Jerk (5×1-3)
Hey Gregor 🙂 Happy holiday, Im seriously grateful for this template. I do, however have a question. Are warm up sets acceptable to get to a realistic progression on 1rm snatch days, if so, How many. Im fairly New to weightlifting you see, if i approach 1 rm too fast i might miss so many snatches that i will fry my rear delts from all the pulls, of each attempt. And thus not recover for the next workout.
Do a progression like a competition to do 1 rm. 10 – 12 snatches with diffrent weights and sets
Thanks for that!
What do you mean by (for example)
Snatch to 1RM (3×3)
Clean + FS + Jerk 1RM (5-8 x 2)
Could you give an example of sets progression to one of those?
hit a max then take some weight off and do backoffs. (i.e. 1rm, -20%x3x3)