Meanwhile in Russia …
1.7x Bodyweight Squat… Nothing special really you might say.
Except when it’s from Chingiz Mogushkov and therefore 340kg x2.
Update: Check out his 350kg x3 Squat
Also check out his 295kg Front Squat.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile in Russia …
1.7x Bodyweight Squat… Nothing special really you might say.
Except when it’s from Chingiz Mogushkov and therefore 340kg x2.
Update: Check out his 350kg x3 Squat
Also check out his 295kg Front Squat.
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
Seems like I’m more and more frequently seeing Oly lifters doing parallel or above parallel back squats and front squat: Ilya Illin, Salimi, and Mogushkov come to mind, and I’m sure there are others. It seems they favor working the quad by forward knee travel rather than more depth (i.e. the hips being below the knees).
I’d say for Chingiz parallel is as deep as it gets. His huge thighs prevent him from going much deeper.
agreed. That was Ass to grass as far as his legs are concerned. It looked clearly to depth to me. And impressive as well. That was FAST
I really enjoy watching him lift. He is so smooth although he’s so huge. The 340 seemed not very hard to him.
he smoked that. i’d love to know what he can do for a 1 rep max.