Meanwhile in Russia …
When he is not Leaning on Things Chingiz Mogushkov gets some huge lifts done.
350kg Squat Triple!
PS: I have an idea, but obviously need to contact Chingiz first.
Update: The Shirt is here.
Update: YouTube Version, since Chingiz deleted all his instagram videos.
More Chingiz:
Fully deserving of a recovery lean. Fantastic squat!
Chingiz works hard for de leanz, he ain’t no entitled leaner.
It doesn’t matter for him, since it’s not a competition lift for WLers, but it’s interesting to see these squats–they are definitely not below parallel; they aren’t even close to being parallel! They wouldn’t pass in any legit powerlifting fed, and honestly would probably even be redlighted in the lax feds like the SPF (who have tightened up their judging as of late.)
Maybe back squatting ATG for oly lifting isn’t as important as merely rebounding at whatever point feels natural for the lifter.
I don’t think he’s cutting depth, that might just be his bottom given his size and proportions. I mean, he bounces out of the bottom with a fair amount of speed so he is utilizing the bounce.
It looks like his hamstrings are hitting his calves when in the bottom so I don’t know if it’s even possible for him to go lower.
Exactly. I’m sure he has the flexibility to go lower, but a natural bounce out of the bottom doesn’t necessitate going as low as one can. So we basically agree. (Just look at his clean recovery–he clearly gets below parallel, so he could do the same on back squat if he altered his hip position. Getting deep *doesn’t* seem to be his priority, and thus I’m suggesting perhaps for other oly lifters it shouldn’t be either.
I think the number of weightlifters that squat ATG is much greater than the lifters who squat higher. So I think this squat style is typical of weightlifters.
Regarding his Clean catch position check out this crazy photo
or the 180kg Clean complex video I linked in the post. This is as deep as it gets for him.
Well, obviously the more forward knee travel one has, the lower the position of the knee joint, and the more difficult it will be to hit depth. The knee travel in the above photo is pretty extreme. But regardless, he’s cutting depth from his recent double at 340
my guess: you never clean 770lbs so I bet its more about the overload than taking it into deep clean position. there’s a video of that phenomenal Iranian kid that went neck and neck with Albegov (and almost clean and jerked 261kg) doing a “high” 365kg (800lb) squat. Just my guess for what it’s worth.
But I agree it’s certainly atypical–that’s why I pointed it out!
his legs are so enormously big – if you dont know its chingiz, only look at his hams and cap the rest of his legs, you would think its deepest atg. just as well if you only see his quads, you may believe its a quarter squat.
there was another video of him squatting, filmed from a side angle of view. if you stop the video in the bottom position and look at his knee and hip joint, you will see, its at least on one level.
I need that shirt Gregor!
🙂 working on it
“Update: The shirt will happen. Chingiz gave his OK”
This was better news than the two DL PRs I hit today. When’s it happening? Can I pre-order? Serious question.
Just saw you updated your instagram post.
Congrats to the PRs. No pre-ordering though.
great squat , this is atg for him his hamstrings hit the calves , and i think it is pretty deep and looks great , I know a few guys with huge legs and it looks the same way when they sqiuat atg
I want the shirt!