The big boy Chingiz Mogushkov busts out a nice little complex with 180kg, which is not quite bodyweight for him.
- Clean
- Hang Clean
- Front Squat x2
- Push Press
- Jerk
BTW in another video from today he said that his best Push Press is 245kg (240kg with clean)!
Translation from Vadim:
KLOKOV: How can a person who weighs almost 200 kg do this complex so effortlessly? People of your constitution normally struggle with doing a set of 5 simple (air) squats …
MOGUSHKOV: Well, I think I’m a natural superheavyweight, thanks to my parents’ genes, so I guess I lucked out.
KLOKOV: But the training is still most important, right?
MOGUSHKOV: Yeah. Just gotta lift.
KLOKOV: See? Guy weighs almost 200 kg, and yet he’s so successful in his sport. So just train hard, folks!
what is his height?
doing complex do not transfer for a max clean & jerk in competition. This kind of exercise does not work the target muscle fiber for a max clean & jerk. But of course that is very nice to watch, and there is no doubt that it is a great feat of strength.
maybe it can minimize the chance to get dizzy after a heavy clean in competition?
I’m pretty sure about that. Good for some weightlifting specific condition. For a man of that weight, Mogushkov is well conditioned I’d say. He hardly looses his breath and does not seem to be to fucked up to talk immediately after the lift. I can tell from personal experience that this complex can fuck your breath up pretty badly, lol
Straps + cleans= not for the rest of you. I highly doubt they present a risk to him, though. Just sayin’ – don’t do it, kids.
Upvote because I wish I had known this before I broke my wrist.
Wow. He weights over 180 and moves so quick and elegant. Very impressive.
I believe Alexeyev added complexes to the training when he was coach in the early nineties. The lifters got stronger and the backs thicker. Not sure that complexes are useless for weightlifters.
Dude is unreal
he have same height /weight…..a kilogram for a centimeter ..its very good constitution ! i never evidence or official confirmation but i tate his height between 6’1″ and 6’3″