Previously in the 2014 Worlds Training Hall.
Choe Jon Wi (77kg, North Korea) Clean Pulling 205kg x3.
All the North Koreans used that distinct pulling style. That is pulling up to mid thigh on the first reps and only finishing the extension on the last rep.
(Video also on Facebook and Instagram @atginsta)
More Clean Pulls at Worlds: Tom Schwarzbach doing a set of 3
Correction: Title said “Kim Myong Hyok” at first as I misidentified Choe for his 69kg teammate Kim Myong Hyok. Thanks to Nat for pointing it out the error.
Update: Hookgrip has a sweet sequence of it
Why do they pull like that without fully extending onto their toes?
I wonder if it is to work the back more on the first couple reps
Protip: When training pulls(and the CnJ and snatch) never “go up” on your toes. The reason for this is that you are then TO SLOW under the bar (when the weights gets big enough, at low weights every technique will work:P). in an optimal Clean and snatch, the feet(heel) is pressed down into the ground until you “explode” in the hips and pull the trapezius up under your ears, and pull yourself under the bar. If you go up on your toes when practicing the get a bad habbit and your cleans and snatches does not get that effective as they should.
it is easy to missunderstand what is happening in a optimal lift done with good technique when watching a pro on youtube. because in slow motion it looks lik the lifter goes up on the toes before decending under the bar…this is not infact what happens…what happens is that the lifter (when feet appears to go up on the toes), is acctualy on its way decending under the bar.
Hope this helps. sorry for bad spelling and grammer.
In the snatch where you have more hip travel it’s easier to see that the pro’s are up on their heels around the time the hips make contact with the bar, this is before full extension. in the clean it happens abit later, heavier weights and a more upright second pull. You cant keep your heel down while doing a maximum explosive pull. Going up on your toes should be a byproduct of an explosive second pull and should not be deliberate.