Here is London 2012 Women’s 63kg Bronze medalist, Christine Girard in a workout during her Olympics prep.
100kg Snatch x12 with 90 seconds rest in between attempts. Makes 10 out of the 12 attempts.
I don’t know what her 1RM is (Edit:108kg in training, 106kg in competition), but considering she made 103kg as her opener and missed 105kg twice, 100kg seems pretty much up there, percentage wise.
What’s the most number of heavy, consecutive snatches you can do?
This should be what Crossfit is about. She just snatched more than most males can, 12 times in a row.
I’m guessing this training is for helping her be able to lift on the clock under pressure?
I am not sure about the precise purpose, but would also guess that it’s to drill form under pressure.
my coach uses similar method, the idea is consistency and conditioning to some extent… but yea pressure and close aspect does play a key role in there as well….. but much has to do with consistency
I actually like having about 90 seconds rest. I find If I take any more then that, I feel more sluggish.
Closet Crossfitter
I am not surprised by this, and I think that this is where females in sport of fitness are heading toward (with time, better coaching, and full time commitments to the sport). Women have naturally lower neuromuscular efficiency and can therefore hit higher weights relative to there 1RM.
This is interesting. Just googled up on this. I didn’t know that women can work closer to their 1RM.
Perfect timing by Justin
108kg is the most she’s ever lifted in training. There used to be a video of it some where. She’s done 106 in competition:
Ah, thanks for the info Graham.
What’s interesting is that she doesn’t even have a proper platform where she is training in the clip, and it does not look like she has standard bumpers. Not that those things make that much of a difference, but still, you would think someone of her caliber would be able to train with standard equipment.